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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The tenth of Aprill was one William Geffreie whipped, from the Marshalsea in Southworke, to Bedlem without Bishops gate of London, for that he professed one Iohn Moore to be Christ our sauior:William Gef|freie whipped. on his head was set a paper, wherein was written as followeth: William Geffreie a most blasphemous heretike, denieng Christ our sauiour in heauen. The said Geffreie being staied at Bedlem gate, Iohn Moore was brought foorth,A false Christ whipped till he changed his song. before whome William Geffreie was whipped, till he confessed Christ to be in heauen. Then the said Iohn Moore being exami|ned, and answering ouerthwartlie, was comman|ded to put off his cote, doublet, and shirt; which he sée|med to doo verie willinglie, and after being tied to the cart, was whipped an arrowes shot from Bed|lem, where at the last he also confessed Christ to be in heauen, and himselfe to be a sinfull man. Then was Iohn Moore sent againe into Bedlem, and Gef|freie to the Marshalsea, where they had laine priso|ners nigh a yéere and a halfe, the one for professing himselfe to be Christ, the other a disciple of the same Christ. On wednesdaie the 4 of Iune, betwéene foure & fiue of the clocke in the afternoone, the stéeple of Paules in London being fired by lightning,Paules stée|ple on fire by lightening. brast forth (as it séemed to the beholders) two or three yards beneath the foot of the crosse, and from thence burnt downe the spire to the stoneworke and bels, so ter|riblie, that within the space of foure houres the same stéeple with the roofes of the church, so much as was timber or otherwise combustible, were consumed, which was a lamentable sight and pitifull remem|brance to the beholders therof. After this mischance, the queens maiestie being much gréeued for the losse of so beautifull a monument,The quéene [...] gréeued with the losse of Paules stéeple & pro|uideth means to repare it. directed hir highnesse letters to the maior of the citie of London, willing him to assemble the citizens to take some order for speciall aid and helpe for the reparing againe of the said monument. And she of hir most gratious dispo|sition, to giue a comfort to others for the furtherance thereof, did presentlie giue and deliuer in gold one thousand markes,The quéenes beneuolence to excite o|thers. and a warrant for a thousand lode of timber, to be taken out of hir maiesties woods or elsewhere: and the citizens of London granted one beneuolence, and three fiftéens to be foorthwith paied. The clergie vnder the prouince of Canturburie granted the fortith part of the value of their benefi|ces charged with first fruits, & not charged with first fruits the thirtith part. The clergie of the diocesse of London granted the thirtith part of their benefi|ces in first fruits, and the twentith part out of first fruits. Now immediatlie by commandement of the quéenes highnesse,Ouerséers appointed to [...] the reparing of Paules. hir priuie councell tooke order that six citizens of London, and two of the cleargie of the church of Paules, had charge and commandement to ouersée and set forward this worke, who made such expedition, that within one moneth next following the burning thereof, the whole church, that is to saie, all the foure great roofes of the same were couered with boords and lead, after the maner of a false roofe. And the greatnesse of the worke dispatched in so short time could scarselie be credited of anie, but of such as saw and knew the same. And the cause of this great hast was for feare of raine, which might haue perished the vawtes, to the destruction of the whole church, & the people that were therein. And be|fore the said yéere was fullie ended, all the said iles of the said church were made & framed of new & maine timber, & couered with lead, & fullie finished.All the iles of Paules made and framed of new timber. And the same yeare also, the great roofe of the west end was framed, and made of new & great timber in Yorke|shire, & brought to London by sea, and set vp & coue|red with lead, and fullie finished. And in like maner within the said yeare, the whole roofe and frame of the east end of the said church was made in Yorkeshire, & brought by sea to London, and there laid readie to be raised when the season of the yeare serued. This one thing resteth to be told,Ten thousand pounds insuf|ficient to re|pare Paules as it was at the first. that by estimation of wise men, 10000 pounds more than is yet granted vnto it, will not perfect & finish the church and stéeple in such sort as it was before the burning thereof.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this meane time also, by reason of the quéenes maiesties letters directed to the maior and his bre|thren of the citie of London about the burning of Paules, there were certeine aldermen and commo|ners of the said citie named and called togither by the authoritie of the maior, to deuise some good order and spéedie remedie for the reliefe and comfort of the said citie, whensoeuer anie chance of fire hereafter should happen (as God forbid) within the said citie or liberties thereof. And the persons so called after sun|drie méetings, and with good aduisement and delibe|ration, agréed and penned a certeine order for the spéedie remedie thereof, as well for the readie know|ledge of the place, wheresoeuer the same fire should happen, and for the sudden extinguishment & suppres|sing of the same, as also for the safe kéeping of the goods of such persons in whose house anie fire should chance. Which orders and rules vndoubtedlie would be to the great comfort & safetie of the citie and citi|zens of the same, if they were published and made knowen in time, and executed accordinglie. But what should I saie? I can but lament,Good orders nothing worth if they be not put in execution. not onelie for this, but also for manie such painefull and profitable labors, which for good gouernement of this citie had béene taken. For as soone as the talking thereof is doone, and the bookes framed and deliuered, so soone is it put in obliuion, and nothing at all thought vpon, vntill an houre after the mischiefe be past.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This yeare was chosen lord maior of London a worthie citizen named William Harper,Fréeschoole in Bedford towne foun|ded by Wil|liam Harper maior of Lon|don elect. one of the companie of the merchant tailors. This man wish|ing in his life time to benefit his countrie, founded a free schoole in the towne of Bedford where he was borne, and now lieth buried, prouiding a competent stipend and liuing for a scholemaister, there to traine vp and instruct children in vertue and learning for|euer. The fiftéenth of Nouember, the quéenes ma|iestie published a proclamation, wherein she restored to the realme diuerse small péeces of siluer monie,New coines of small péeces as six pence, &c. as the peece of six pence, foure pence, thrée pence, two pence, and a penie, three halfe pence, and thrée far|things. She also forbad all forren coines to be cur|rant within the same realme, as well gold as siluer, calling them to hir maiesties mints, except two sorts of crownes of gold, the one the French crowne, the other the Flemmish crowne. ¶Thus did hir maiestie in all hir actions directed to common vtilitie shoot at a certeine perfection, purenesse, and soundnesse, as here in hir new stamps and coines of all sorts; so also in Gods religion, setting the materiall churches of hir dominions frée from all popish trash: which one hath aptlie noted by waie of comparison, saieng:

Eiectis paleis purgatur vt area multo
Vsque laborantis serui sudore, reuulsis
Vt nitet ampla domus, quas struxit aranea telis
Sic priùs idolis confractis, templa fricantur
Cuncta scopis, quicquid fuit, abradentibus vncis
Dentibus obscoenum, spurcum, verbóue repugnans
Sacro, relligióque erectis cultior ibat
EEBO page image 1195Iam pedibus, Christúsque Dei cognoscitur agnus,
Offensas delens mundi, peccatáque tollen [...]
Vaenalis populo non indulgentia papae.]

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