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Compare 1577 edition: 1 But to leaue the further consideration of the be|nefit that may grow herof to this realme, vnto their iudgements that haue riper heads to vnderstand the same: I will procéed, and herewith make an end of this matter, concerning the siege of Leith. After that the Frenchmen were departed, and the forts a|bout Leith and Dunbar razed and demolished, accor|ding to the couenants of peace,The quéenes armie reuoke out of Scot|land. the quéenes maiestie called backe hir armie without reteining anie péece within Scotland to hir owne vse. In which honora|ble and vpright dealing, she wan more fame and esti|mation, than if she had seized and kept in hir possessi|on halfe the realme of Scotland: speciallie regar|ding the perplexed state of the people by war, which she redressed by the establishment of peace, a thing which she alwaies loued, as the contrarie she mor|tallie hated: as one hath noted of hir grace, saieng:

Virgo pacis amans, quae stat contraria bellis.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The quéenes maiestie by the aduise of hir most ho|norable councell, meaning to abolish all corrupt, base, and copper monies then currant in this realme of England, coined in the times and reignes of king Henrie the eight, and king Edward the sixt, to the great hinderance and decaie of the commonwealth of this realme, and therewith to restore vnto all hir subiects fine and pure sterling monies, both of gold and siluer, to the great honor and benefit of the whole realme: Iohn Stow. A fall of bas [...] monie & ma|king of new coines. published a proclamation on Michaelmasse euen before noone, that the teston coined for twelue pence, and in the reigne of king Edward embased by proclamation to six pence, should now foorthwith (that of the best sort marked with the port [...]uleis) be currant for foure pence halfepenie: the second mar|ked with the greihound for two pence farthing: the third and worst sort not marked as afore, not to be currant at all, nor receiued for anie value. The grote to be currant for two pence, the former péece of two pence for a penie, &c.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 It was not long after this, Anno Reg. 3. but that hir grace re|storing to hir subiects fine sterling monie, called all the said base and corrupt coines into hir maiesties mint, allowing to them therefore after the rate be|fore mentioned, so much of the said fine monies as they brought in of the said base monies. About the same time,

Additions to Lanquet.

The quéene furnisheth hi [...] land with ar|mour and mu|nition.

hir grace also finding this realme great|lie vnfurnished of armour, munitions, and powder, for the defense thereof in time of necessitie, did so largelie and plentifullie prepare and cause to be brought into the same, such sufficient furniture of armour and weapons, as England hath iust cause to praise and giue thanks to God and hir maiestie; for that it is certeine, that the realme was neuer so amplie stored nor prouided of all maner of kinds of EEBO page image 1194 conuenient armor and weapons, as it is at this pre|sent. The one and twentith of March a notable Grammar schoole was founded by the maister,The merchãt [...]lors frée s [...]hoole. war|dens, and assistants of the right worshipfull compa|nie of the merchant tailors of London, in the parish of S. Laurence Pontneie in the same citie, the right worshipfull Emanuell Lucar, Robert Rose, Willi|am Merike, Iohn Sparke, & Robert Duckington then maister and wardens of that companie.

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