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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The night following about twelue a clocke, one Scattergood an Englishman that was a gunner,Scattergood [...] the Frenchmen. & had feined himselfe to flée from the English campe for manslaughter into Leith, and was receiued of the Frenchmen, beléeuing that he had meant no de|ceit, came out of the towne, after he had remained there about seauen daies: in which meane while he had vnderstood fullie the state of the towne, and now vpon his returne made relation therof as he knew. On saturdaie the sixt of Iune,Order taken for the restrei|ning of all signes of ho|stilitie. the lord Greie lord lieutenant, master secretarie Cicill, and sir Rafe Sadler, betwixt three and foure of the clocke in the afternoone, gaue order that there should no peece be shot, nor shew of hostilitie made till seauen of the clocke the same night: and herewith sent sir Ger|ueis Clifton vnto all the souldiors that warded in the trenches and bulworks on the west side of Leith, to command them to obserue the like order. And sir Iohn Neuill was sent with like commandement vnto the souldiors that laie in Summersets mount. The peace now in the meane time being concluded,The peace concluded and word sent to the French that it should be proclamed. on the morrow being sundaie, and seauenth of Iune, sir Francis Leake, and sir Gerueis Clifton, accom|panied with two French gentlemen, were sent to the towne of Leith, to signifie vnto monsieur Doi|sell, the bishop of Amiens, la Brosse, Martigues, and other the French lords and capteins, that they were come thither by commandement from the commissi|oners, to cause the peace alreadie concluded to be proclamed: which accordinglie was doone in maner as followeth.

23.1. The forme of proclaming the foresaid peace betweene the parties at hostilitie.

The forme of proclaming the foresaid peace betweene the parties at hostilitie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _THe most mightie princesse, Eliza|beth by the grace of God, queene of England, France, & Ireland, defender of the faith, &c: and the most christian king, Francis and Marie, by the same grace of God king and queene of France and Scotland: haue accorded vpon a reconciliation of a peace and ami|tie to be inuiolablie kept, betwixt them, their subiects, kingdomes and countries. And therfore in their names it is strictlie commanded to all maner of persons borne vnder their obeisances, or being in their seruice, to forbeare all hostilitie either by sea or land, & to keepe good peace each with other from this time forwards, as they will answer therevnto at their vttermost perils.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Immediatlie after this proclamation was ended, sir Francis Leake and sir Gerueis Clifton were brought to monsieur Doisels lodging,Sir Francis Leake and sir Gerueis Clifton ban|ketted by monsieur Doisell. where was prepared for them a great banket of thirtie or fortie dishes: and yet not one either of flesh or fish, sauing one of the flesh of a powdred horsse, as a certeine per|son hath written that tasted thereof, as he himselfe auoucheth. ¶ Héere then we sée the course of war, the end whereof of necessitie must be peace. For when both parts are either wearied, weakened, slaughte|red, or so discomfited, as that they be constreined to surceasse, least they be slaine euerie mothers sonne: then peace is sought, and hard conditions receiued rather than it shall be refused. O that it were Gods will (saith Schardus writing of the accidents happe|ning in the yeare 1570, Schardius in rebus gestis su [...] imperatore Maximiliano secundo. which all men counted a for|tunate and blessed yeare, albeit famine, the Turkish warre, the pestilence, and most cruell ouerflowings of waters did then outragiouslie take on: bicause thrée verie gréeuous warres, namelie the first of the Polanders against the Muscouits, the second of France within it selfe by ciuill dissention, & the third betwéene the Sweueners and the Danes, were then finished) O that it were Gods will (saith he) that EEBO page image 1193 kings and princes would be admonished by exam|ples in due time to consult of peace, and to make much thereof, rather than after manie calamities susteined and taken, to thinke how beneficiall and pretious it is. Then should they without séeking or sweating inioy those things which to obteine they vndertake great voiages, and yet nothing neere their purpose without much bloudshed, slaughter, and wastfulnesse; as sometime verie wiselie said Cyneas to Pyrrhus, disuading him from the Italish warre: and as one both learnedlie and fitlie writeth, saieng:

Hic est perpetuus saeclorum lusus & vsus,
Ludendi vt faciat consumpta pecunia finem:
Sic vbi vastatae gentes lachrymantur & vrbes,
Aurea tum demum feruntur foedera pacis.
Heu quanto satius foret haec praeuertere damna!
Atque animos hominum saluis coalescere rebus!]

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