Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Moreouer, after that the armie by land was come togither into the north parts, and had soiourned at Berwike and thereabouts,The lord Grey generall of the armie. the lord Greie of Wilton being appointed generall of the said armie, departed with the same out of the bounds of Berwike, and marched to Coldingham, where they incamped that night.Sir Iames Croft. Saturdaie the thirteenth of March, sir Iames Croft, and sir George Howard departed Berwike to the armie, with all the lances and light horssemen, conteining the number of twelue hundred and fiftie horsses.The number of horssemen and footmen in the armie. The chiefest in charge of this armie. The number of the footmen amounted to a|boue six thousand in all. The chiefe gouernours of which armie were th [...]se: the lord Greie of Wilton lieutenant generall, sir Iames Croft assistant with him in that charge, the lord Scroope lord marshall, sir George Howard generall of the men at armes and demilances, maister Barnabie Fitz Patrike his lieutenant, sir Henrie Persie generall of the light horssemen, Thomas Hugghens esquier prouost mar|shall, Thomas Gower master of the ordinance, ma|ster William Pelham capteine of the pioners, Ed|ward Randoll esquier, sergeant Maior, mas [...]er Tho|mas Burrough, master Cutbert Uaughan, master Williams, and master Cornewall corporals.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 This saturdaie at night the armie incamping at Dunglas,Dunglasse. the horssemen lodged in sundrie villages néere about. Sir Iames Croft laie that night at Co|berspeth, in the lard of Whitlaies house. Sundaie the last of March, the armie remooued from Dunglas, and marching by Dunbar,A skirmish at Dunbar. there issued out of the towne certeine horssemen and footmen, offering a skirmish: towards whome certeine of the English lances and pistoliers, with certeine harquebutters, made forwards: but they kept themselues within their strength. Yet some of the English horssemen approched them so néere,Two horsmen & one footman slaine. that in skirmish two of the enimies horssemen, and one footman were slaine. The Englishmen receiued little damage, sauing that Peter Mince, one of their horsmen was hurt there. This doone, the armie marched on to Linton brigs, where the footmen incamped that night.Linton brigs. The horsse|men laie at Hadington, and in diuerse other small townes: and sir Iames Croft laie at Clarking|ton, west of Hadington, at the lard of Cockburns house.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Mondaie the first of Aprill, the campe remooued from Linton brigs vnto salt Preston, and there in|camped.Salt Preston. This euening sir Iames Croft, with diuers of the capteins in his companie, m [...]t with the earle of Arraine, the lord Iames prior of saint Andrews,The earle of Arraine accõ|panied with other of the Scotish nobilitie. the master of Maxwell, sir William Kirkaudie lard of Grange, and diuerse other of the Scotish nobilitie with thrée hundred horsse in their traine. After they were met and had saluted each other, they rode alto|gither vnto salt Preston, where at the end of the towne, my lord Greie lord lieutenant met them, and imbraced them, & so they lighted from their horsses, and entered into communication for the space of an houre, and after tooke leaue each of other, and so de|parted for that night.