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¶About the last of September, Iohn duke of Fin|land, Ex I. S. pa. 1114. Embassador from Swe|then receiued into Eng|land. second sonne to Gustabus king of Swethen, was sent by his father to treat a marriage for his el|dest brother Ericus, with the quéenes maiestie of England: he arriued at Harwich in Essex, and was there honorablie receiued and interteined by the erle of Oxford, which said earle, and the lord Robert Dud|leie, with a goodlie band of gentlemen and yeomen, conueied him to London, where he was receiued of diue [...]se knights and gentlemen of the court, on the fift of October, and was with his traine of about the number of fiftie persons well horssed, conueied to the bishop of Winchesters place in Southworke, where he was lodged during his abode here, and re|moued from thence two daies before Easter home|wards, and sped on his message as may appeare by that which followeth, taken out of Iohannes Lewenclaij comment. de bellis Moscorum.

Ericus king of Swethen, sonne of Gustabus late king of the said kingdome,The queenes maiestie sued vnto out of Denmark [...] about ma|riage. hauing committed to prison his brother Iohn duke of Finland, whom a lit|tle before he had imploied into England on an am|bassage to the quéenes maiestie, whom he sued to for mariage, and had his sute reiected; againe the second time solicited hir maiestie in the same sute notwith|standing, to his great dishonor, and (as it fell out) his iust disgrace. He attempted the same matter with the yoongest daughter of Philip Lantgraue Uanhessen, at whose hand (hauing the second time beene reiected of hir maiestie héere) the matter being knowne there, he also not onelie receiued a deniall, but the la|die was by hir father bestowed vpon Adolfe duke Uan Holst, vncle of Frederike king of Denmarke, then enimie of the said Ericus. Thus farre Iohannes Lewenclaij.] Iohannes Lewenclaij.

¶Cuthbert Tunstall was translated from London to Durham, Fr. Thin. Description and commen|dation of bi|shop Tunstall. after the death of cardinall Wolseie, of whome (besides that which Holinshed in this booke reporteth) I will saie a little, he being so reuerend a prelat; as the managing of the princes affaires by him dooth well witnesse, and this present age can yet well remember. This man (being of a mild condi|tion) was borne at Hachaford in Richmondshire, and (as Leland hath left in writing that he heard) the base sonne of one Tunstall an ancient gentleman: whose ancestors (as I haue read) came into England with the conquerour, attending on him as his bar|bar, for which cause he beareth in his armes thrée combes as a note to posteritie of the originall of his gentrie.The armes of Tunstall. Which bishop although he is supposed to haue béene base borne (as manie noble capteins and other the valiant persons of the world haue béene, whereof six hundred examples as hath the prouerbe might be produced) yet was he not base in lerning, eloquence, grauitie, and honorable calling both in spirituall & temporall affaires: both in seruice of the prince and in charge of his church. For (besides manie other of|fices that he exercised) he was maister of the rols: sundrie time ambassador to forreine princes, bishop of London, and from thence (by vertue of Clement the seuenth his bulles to K. Henrie the eight in the yeare 1530,Tunstall bare office. the fiue & twentith of March) aduanced to the sée of Durham, and (by the kings letters) elec|ted therevnto the yeare before said. In the which function he behaued himselfe, as the worthinesse of the estate required, and as the doctrine of the church in those daies would permit; of which I meane not to intreat, neither of his fall or rising: but will onlie meddle with méere temporall accidents, as one that hath not béene accustomed to die his pen in the bloud of mens consciences, nor in the opinions of religion.

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