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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Upon Fridaie the eight of September, was kept in Paules church of London a solemne obsequie for Henrie,An obsequie for the Frẽch king, Henrie the second, in whose time Calis was lost. the second of that name, king of France, who departed this life, about the tenth of Iulie last past, of a wound receiued the 29 of Iune, in run|ning at tilt in a solemne iusts holden at Paris, in honor of the marriage celebrated betwixt his sister the ladie Margaret of France, and Philibert duke of Sauoie. He was striken on the viser with a lance, as he ran against the counte de Montgomerie: the spilts entring by the sight of his headpéece, & persing through his eie into his head, so perished his braine, that there was no meane to saue his life.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The obsequie for him was kept in verie solemne wise,The maner of the obsequie with a rich hearse, made like an imperiall crowne, susteined with great pillers, and couered with blacke veluet, with a valence stringed with gold and richlie hanged with scutchions, pennons, and banners of the French kings armes, without anie lights. And on the beere was laid a rich pall of cloth of gold, with a coat armor of the armes of France, and a crest, with an imperiall crowne standing vpon the béere: doctor Parker archbishop of Canturburie elect, doctor Barlow bishop of Chichester elect, and doctor Scorie bishop of Hereford elect, executing at the dirge of this euening song in English, they sit|ting in the bishop of Londons seat, in the vpper quéere, in surplices, with doctors hoods about their shoulders. The chéefe mourner was the marquesse of Winchester, lord treasuror, assisted with ten other lords mourners,The chéefe mourners at this obsequie. with all the heralds in blacke, and their coat armours vppermost.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 On the morrow being saturdaie, & ninth of Sep|tember, a sermon was preached by doctor Scorie, in place of doctor Grindall bishop of London, who be|ing appointed to preach that sermon, was letted by sicknesse. After the sermon, six of the lords mour|ners receiued the communion with the bishops,Six bishops receiue the communion. which bishops were in copes and surplices, onelie at the ministration of the said communion. Which be|ing finished, there was a great dinner kept in the bi|shop of Londons palace by Paules, where the mour|ners apparelled them, and so ended the solemnitie of the said exequies. The bishops had blacke gownes giuen them, and eight blacke coats a peece for their seruants, at the quéenes charges.

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