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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 From the conduit, which was beautified with painting, vnto the northside of the stréet was erected a stage, imbatteled with foure towers,A pagent in Fléetstréet de|scribed. and in the same a square plat rising with degrées; and vpon the vppermost degrée was placed a chaire, or seat roiall, and behind the same seat, in curious artificiall ma|ner was erected a trée of reasonable heigth, and so farre aduanced aboue the seat, as it did well and seemelie shadow the same, without indamaging the sight of anie part of the pageant: and the same trée was beautified with leaues as gréene as art could deuise, being of a conuenient greatnesse, and contei|ning therevpon the fruit of the date. And on the top of the same tree in a table was set the name thereof, which was a palme tree, and in the aforesaid seat or chaire was placed Alluding to the quéenes maiestie no doubt. a séemelie and meet personage richlie apparelled in parlement robes, with a scepter in hir hand, as a queene, crowned with an open crowne, whose name and title was in a table fixed o|uer hir head, in this sort: Debora the iudge and re|storer of the house of Israell: Iudic. 4. And the other degrees on either side were furnished with six perso|nages, two representing the nobilitie, two the clear|gie, & two the communaltie. And before these perso|nages was written in a table: Debora with hir e|stats consulting for the good gouernment of Israell. At the féet of these, and the lowest part of the pageant was ordeined a conuenient roome for a child to open the meaning of the pageant.How willing the quéene was to heare the child speake. When the quéenes maiestie drew neare vnto this pageant, and per|ceiued, as in the other, the child readie to speake; hir grace required silence, and commanded hir chariot to be remooued nigher, that she might plainlie heare the child speake, which said as hereafter followeth:

Iabin of Canaan king,
had long by force of armes
Opprest the Israelites,
which for Gods people went:
But God minding at last
for to redresse their harmes,
The worthie Debora
as iudge among them sent.
In warre she through Gods aid,
did put hir foes to flight,
EEBO page image 1178And with the dint ofsword
the band of bondage brast.
In peace she, through Gods aid,
did alwaie mainteine right,
And iudged Israell
till fortie yeares were past.
A worthie president,
ô worthie queene thou hast,
A worthie woman iudge,
a woman sent for staie:
And that the like to vs
indure alwaie thou maist,
Thy louing subiects will
with true harts and toongs praie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Which verses were written vpon the pageant, & the same in Latin also fixed in the face of the people:

Quando Dei populum Canaan, rex pressit Iaben,
Mittitur à magno Debora magna Deo:
Quae populum eriperet, sanctum seruaret Iudan,
Milite quae patrìo frangeret hostis opes.
Haec Domino mandante Deo lectissima fecit
Faemina, & aduersos contudit ense viros.
Haec quater denos populum correxerat anno [...]
Iudicio, bello strenua, pace grauis:
Sic, ô sic populum bellóque & pace guberna,
Debora sis Anglis Elisabetha tuis.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The void places of this pageant were filled with pretie sentences concerning the same matter. The ground of this last pageant was,The morall [...] foresaid [...]. that for somuch as the next pageant before had set before hir graces eies the flourishing and desolate states of a common|weale, she might by this be put in remembrance to consult for the worthie gouernement of hir people, considering God oftentimes sent women noblie to rule among men, as Debora, which gouerned Israell in peace the space of fortie yeares: and that it beho|ueth both men and women so ruling to vse aduise of good councell. When the queenes maiestie had pas|sed this pageant, she marched toward Temple bar. But at S. Dunstans church, where the children of the hospitall were appointed to stand with their go|uernors,The children [...] Christs [...]pitall stand [...] S. Dun|stans. hir grace perceiuing a child offered to make an oration vnto hir, staied hir chariot, and did cast vp hir eies to heauen, as who should saie; I here sée this mercifull worke toward the poore, whome I must in the middest of my roialtie néeds remember: and so turned hir face toward the child, which in Latine pro|nounced an oration to this effect: That after the quéenes highnesse had passed through the citie, and had seene so sumptuous, rich, and notable spectacles of the citizens, which declared their most hartie re|ceiuing, and ioious welcomming of hir grace into the same: this one spectacle yet rested and remained, which was the euerlasting spectacle of mercie vnto the poore members of almightie God, furthered by that famous and most noble prince king Henrie the eight hir graces father, erected by the citie of Lon|don, & aduanced by the most godlie & vertuous prince king Edward the sixt, hir graces deare and louing brother, doubting nothing of the mercie of the quéenes most gratious clemencie, by the which they may not onelie be relieued and helped, but also staied and defended: and therefore incessantlie they would praie and crie vnto almightie God, for the long life and reigne of hir highnesse, with most prosperous victorie against hir enimies.

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