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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Out at the windowes and penthouses of euerie house did hang a number of rich and costlie banners and stremers, till hir grace came to the vpper end of Cheape. Where by appointment, the right worship|full master Ranulph Cholmelie recorder of the citie, presented to the quéenes maiestie a pursse of crim|son sattin, richlie wrought with gold, wherein the ci|tie gaue vnto the quéens maiestie a thousand marks in gold,The citie gi| [...]eth a thou|sand marks to the quéene in a pursse. as master recorder did declare bréefelie vnto the quéens maiestie, whose words tended to this end; that the lord maior, his brethren, and communaltie of the citie, to declare their gladnesse and goodwill to|wards the quéenes maiestie, did present hir grace with that gold, desiring hir grace to continue their good and gratious queene, and not to esteeme the va|lue of the gift, but the mind of the giuers. The queens maiestie with both hir hands tooke the pursse, and an|swered to him againe maruellous pithilie; and so pi|thilie, that the standers by, as they imbraced intirelie hir gratious answer, so they maruelled at the cou|ching thereof, which was in words truelie reported these.The verie words of the queene vtte|red to the lord maior, &c. I thanke my lord maior, his brethren, and you all. And whereas your request is that I should conti|nue your good ladie and quéene, be yee ensured, that I will be as good vnto you, as euer quéene was to hir people. No will in me can lacke, neither doo I trust shall there lacke anie power. And persuade your selues, that for the safetie and quietnesse of you all, I will not spare (if néed be) to spend my bloud, God thanke you all. Which answer of so noble an hearted princesse, if it mooued a maruellous shout & reioising, it is nothing to be maruelled at, sith both the haltinesse thereof was so woonderfull, and the words so iointlie knit.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 When hir grace had thus answered the recorder, she marched toward the little conduit,A pageant of a square pro|portion, and what things the same had represented in it. where was e|rected a pageant with square proportion, standing di|rectlie before the same conduit, with battlements ac|cordinglie. And in the same pageant was aduanced two hilles or mounteins of conuenient height. The one of them being on the north side of the same page|ant, was made [...]ragged, barren, and stonie, in the which was erected one trée, artificiallie made, all wi|thered and dead, with branches accordinglie. And vn|der the same trée at the foot thereof sat one in home|lie and rude apparrell crookedlie, and in mourning maner, hauing ouer his head in a table, written in Latine and English, his name which was Ruinosa res|publica, [...]publica [...]. A decaied commonweale. And vpon the same withered trée were fixed certeine tables, wherein were written proper sentences, expressing the causes of the decaie of a commonweale. The other hill on the south side was made faire, fresh, greene and beau|tifull the ground thereof full of floures and beautie, and on the same was erected also one tree, verie fresh and faire, vnder the which stood vpright one fresh per|sonage well apparelled and appointed, whose name also was written both in English and Latine, which was, [...]publica bene [...]. Respublica bene instituta, A flourishing common|weale.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 And vpon the same tree also were fixed certeine tables conteining sentences, which expressed the cau|ses of a flourishing commonweale. In the middle betweene the said hils, was made artificiallie one hollow place or caue, with doore and locke inclosed, out of the which, a little before the quéenes highnesse comming thither, issued one personage, whose name was Time, apparelled as an old man, with a sieth in his hand, hauing wings artificiallie made, leading a personage of lesser stature than himselfe, which was finelie and well apparrelled, all clad in white silke, and directlie ouer hir head was set hir name and title in Latine and English, Temporis filia, Veritas temporis filia, expounded to the quéene. The daughter of Time. Which two so appointed, went forwards toward the south side of the pageant. And on hir brest was written hir proper name, which was Veritas, Truth, who held a booke in hir hand, vpon the which was written Verbum veritatis, The word of truth. And out of the south side of the pageant was cast a standing for a child, which should interpret the same pageant. Against whome when the quéenes maiestie came, he spake vnto hir grace these swéet words:

This old man with the sieth,
old father Time they call, The interpre|tation of the pageant deli|uered in speéch to the quéene by a child.
And hir his daughter Truth,
which holdeth yonder booke:
Whome he out of his rocke,
hath brought foorth to vs all,
From whence this manie yeares
she durst not once out looke.
The ruthfull wight that sits
vnder the barren tree,
Resembleth to vs the forme,
when common weales decaie:
But when they be in state
triumphant, you may see
By him in fresh attire,
that sits vnder the ba [...]e.
Now sith that Time againe,
his daughter Truth hath brought,
We trust ô worthie queene,
thou wilt this truth imbrace,
And sith thou vnderstandst,
the good estate and naught,
We trust wealth thou wilt plant,
and barrennes displace.
But for to heale the sore,
and cure that is not seene,
Which thing the booke of truth,
dooth teach in writing plaine:
Shee dooth present to thee
the same, ô worthie queene,
For that, that words doo flie,
but written dooth remaine.

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