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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Thus therefore the quéenes maiestie passed from the tower, till she came to Fanchurch, the people on each side ioyouslie beholding the view of so gratious a ladie their quéene, and hir grace no lesse gladlie no|ting and obseruing the same. Néere vnto Fanchurch was erected a scaffold richlie furnished,A scaffold let vp at Fan|church with melodie, &c. whereon stood a noise of instruments, and a child in costlie apparell, which was appointed to welcome the queenes maie|stie in the whole cities behalfe. Against which place when hir grace came, of hir owne will she comman|ded the chariot to be staied, and that the noise might be appeased, till the child had vtttered his welcoming oration, which he spake in English as here foloweth

O peerelesse souereigne queene,
behold what this thy towne
Hath thee presented with,These verses were vttered by a child to the quéene who gaue good eare to them.
at thy first entrance heere:
Behold with how rich hope
she leades thee to thy crowne,
Behold with what two gifts,
she comforteth thy cheere.
The first is blessing toongs,
which manie a welcome saie,
Which praie thou maist doo well,
which praise thee to the skie.
Which wish to thee long life,
which blesse this happie daie,
Which to thy kingdome heapes
all that in toongs can lie.
The second is true hearts,
which loue thee from their root,
Whose sure is triumph now,
and ruleth all the game,
Which faithfulnesse haue woone,
and all vntruth driuen out,
Which skip for ioy, when as
they heare thy happie name.
Welcome therefore ô queene,
as much as heart can thinke,
Welcome againe ô queene,
as much as toong can tell;
Welcome to ioyous toongs,
and hearts that will not shrinke,
God thee preserue we praie,
and wish thee euer well.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 At which words of the last line, all the people gaue a great shout, wishing with one assent as the child had said. And the quéens maiestie thanked most heartilie both the citie for this hir gentle receiuing at the first, & also the people for confirming the same.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 1173Here was noted in the quéenes maiesties counte|nance, during the time that the child spake, besides a perpetuall attentiuenesse in hir face, a maruellous change in looke, as the childs words either touched hir person, or the peoples toongs and hearts. So that she with reioising visage did euidentlie de|clare that the words tooke no lesse place in hir mind, than they were most heartilie pronounced by the child, as from all the hearts of hir most heartie citi|zens. The same verses were fastened vp in a table vpon the scaffold, and the Latine thereof likewise in Latine verses in another table, as herafter insueth:

Vrbs tua quae ingressis dederit tibi munera primo,
The verses in Latine which the child vtte|red to ye quéene in English. O regina parem non habitura, vide.
Ad diadema tuum, te spe quàm diuite mittat,
Quae duo laetitiae des tibi dona, vide.
Munus habes primum, linguas bona multa precantes,
Quae te quum laudant, tum pia vota so [...]ant,
Foelicémque diem hunc dicunt, tibi sacula longa
Optant, & quicquid deni longa potest.
Altera dona feres, vera, & tui amantia corda,
Quorum gens ludum iam reget vna tuum.
In quibus est infracta fides, falsum perosa,
Quae tuo audito nomine laeta salit.
Grata venis igitur, quantum cor concipit vllum,
Quantum lingua potest dicere, grata venis.
Cordibus infractis, linguis per omnia laetis
Grata venis: saluam te velit esse Deus.

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