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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The bachellers barge of the lord maiors companie, to wit, the mercers had their barge with a toist trim|med with thrée tops, and artillerie aboord, gallantlie appointed to wait vpon them, shooting off lustilie as they went, with great and pleasant melodie of in|struments, which plaied in most sweet and heauenlie maner. Hir grace shut the bridge about two of the clocke in the after noone, at the still of the ebbe, the lord maior and the rest following after hir barge, at|tending the same, till hir maiestie tooke land at the priuie staires at the tower wharfe: and then the said lord maior with the other barges returned, passing through the bridge againe with the floud, and landed at the wharfe of the thrée cranes in the Uintrie. Up|pon saturdaie, which was the fourteenth daie of Ia|unarie, in the yeare of our Lord God 1558, about two of the clocke at after noone, the most noble and christian princesse, our most dread souereigne ladie Elisabeth, by the grace of God quéene of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c: mar|ched from the tower, to passe thorough the citie of London toward Westminster,The quéene passeth from the tower to [...]estminster through the [...]. richlie furnished, and most honourablie accompanied, as well with gentle|men, barons, and other the nobilitie of this realme, as also with a notable traine of goodlie and beauti|full ladies, richlie appointed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 At hir entring the citie, she was of the people recei|ued maruellous intierlie, as appeared by the assem|blies praiers, wishes, welcommings, cries, tender words, and all other signes, which argued a woonder|full earnest loue of most obedient subiects towards their souereigne. And on the other side, hir grace by holding vp hir hands, and merrie countenance to such as stood farre off, and most tender and gentle language to those that stood nigh vnto hir grace, did declare hirselfe no lesse thankefullie to receiue hir peoples good will, than they louinglie offered it vnto hir.The quéene [...]teth them [...] salute hir. To all that wished hir grace well, she gaue heartie thanks; & to such as bad God saue hir grace, she said againe God saue them all, and thanked them with all hir hart. So that on the other side there was nothing but gladnesse, nothing but praier, nothing but comfort. The queenes maiestie reioised maruel|louslie to sée that so excéedinglie shewed towards hir hir grace, which all good princes haue euer desired, I meane so ernest loue of subiects, so euidentlie decla|red euen to hir graces owne person, being caried in the midst of them.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The peoples [...]earts wholie [...] vpon [...].The people againe were woonderfullie rauished with the louing answers and gestures of their prin|cesse, like to the which they had before tried at hir first comming to the tower from Hatfield. This hir gra|ces louing behauiour preconceiued in the peoples heads, vpon these considerations was then through|lie confirmed, and in deed implanted a woonderfull hope in them touching hir woorthie gouernment in the rest of hir reigne. For in all hir passage she did not onelie shew hir most gratious loue toward the people in generall, but also priuatlie if the baser per|sonages had either offered hir grace anie flowers, or such like, as a signification of their good will, or mooued to hir anie sute; she most gentlie, to the com|mon reioising of all the lookers on, and priuat com|fort of that partie, staied hir chariot, and heard their requests. So that if a man would saie well, he could not better tearme the citie of London that time,The citie of London a stage for the time of this solemnitie. than a stage, wherein was shewed the woonderfull specta|cle of a noble hearted princesse towards hir most lo|uing people, and the peoples excéeding comfort in be|holding so woorthie a souereigne, & hearing so prince|like a voice, which could not but haue set the enimie on fire, sith the vertue is in the enimie alwaie com|mended, much more could not but inflame hir natu|rall, obedient, and most louing people, whose weale leaneth onelie vpon hir grace, and hir gouernment.

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