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His wit, experience, courtesie, and valiantnesse in seruice was such, as king Henrie the eight, and his children, to wit, king Edward the sixt, quéene Marie, and queene Elisabeth vsed him as one of all their priuie councell, and was treasuror of all their hono|rable housholds during his life. He was brought vp in king Henrie the seuenths house,Sir Thomas Cheineie an old seruitor in court. See more of him before, pag. 973, 97 [...]. & was one of his henchmen. So that it appeareth before he died, he had serued thrée kings, and two quéenes. His truth was such to all these princes, that he euer liued to|wards them Sine macula, seruing in the court thrée score years. And although he bare this great saile, yet prouided he to paie euerie man iustlie that he owght them. His bountifulnesse, liberalitie, and courtesie to diuerse noble men, gentlemen and others, atten|ding in the court was such,A commenda|tion of his courtesie, bountifulnes, and warlike stoutnesse that they were euer glad to haue him there amongst them; and his stoutnesse & haltie courage was such, and so well knowen to the Frenchmen, as they both feared and loued him wonderfullie. In the end he was so worthie a gentle|man, and such a necessarie member in the common|wealth, as his want cannot but be lamented of all good and true English harts. But the almightie must be serued when his good will and pleasure is.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The thirtéenth of December being tuesdaie,Quéene Ma|rie buried. the corps of quéene Marie was right honorablie con|ueied from hir manor of S. Iames, vnto the abbeie of Westminster. Hir picture was laid on the coffin, apparelled in hir roiall robes, with a crowne of gold set on the head thereof, after a solemne manner. In the abbeie was a rich and sumptuous hearse prepa|red and set vp with wax, and richlie decked with pe|no [...]s, baners, and scutchions, of the armes of Eng|land and France, vnder which hearse the corpse rested all that night, and the next daie it was brought into the new chappell, where king Henrie the seuenth li|eth, and was interred there in the chappell on the north side.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The foure and twentith of December,An obsequie kept for the emperour. being the euen of the natiuitie of our Lord, was a solemne ob|sequie kept in the abbeie church of Westminster, for Charles the seuenth late emperour, who departed this life in September last, the one and twentith of the same moneth, in the monasterie of S. Iustus in Castile, being then of age about eight and fiftie yeares, hauing gouerned the empire before he re|nounced the same a six and thirtie yeares; and his kingdoms of Castile, Arragon, Naples, Sicill, and others, aboue fortie yeares.

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