Compare 1577 edition: 1 The fourth of Februarie, the king and she remoo|ued to Westminster by water,The king and the ladie Anne remooue to Westminster. on whome the lord maior & his brethren, with twelue of the chéefe com|panies of the citie, all in barges gorgeouslie garni|shed with baners, penons, and targets, richlie coue|red, and furnished with instruments, sweetlie soun|ding, gaue their attendance: and by the waie, all the ships shot off, and likewise from the tower, a great peale of ordinance went off iustilie.The duke of Norffolke ambassador into France. The twelfe of Februarie, the duke of Norffolke was sent in am|bassage to the French king, of whome he was well interteined, and in the end of the same moneth he re|turned againe into England.
S. Marie O|ueries made a parish church.After Christmas, the priorie church of S. Marie O|ueris in Southworke was purchased of the king by the inhabitants of the Borow, D. Gardener bishop of Winchester putting to his helping hand: they made thereof a parish church, and the little church of Marie Magdalen ioining to the same priorie, was made all one church, and saint Margarets in South|worke a parish, Iohn Stow. Erle of Essex deceassed. was admitted to the same parish. ¶The twelfe of March, Henrie Bourcher erle of Es|sex riding a yoong horsse, was cast, & brake his necke, at his manour in Essex: he was the eldest earle in England. The nintéenth of March, Iohn Uere erle of Oxford,Earle of Ox|ford deceassed. high chamberleine of England, deceassed at his manour in Essex. The tenth of Aprill, sir Willi|am Peterson priest, late commissarie of Calis,Priests at Calis exe|cuted. and sir William Richardson priest of S. Maries in Ca|lis, were both there drawne, hanged, and quartered in the market place for denieng obstinatelie the kings supremacie.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The third sundaie in Lent, one doctor Barnes pre|ched at Paules crosse,D. Barnes. and in his sermon inueighed against the bishop of Winchester, for doctrine by him preached in the same place, the first sundaie of that Lent, intreating of iustification. Among other taunts that Barnes vttered against the bishop, this was one, that if he & the bishop were both at Rome, he knew that great sums of monie would not saue his life, where but for the bishop, there was no great feare, but small intreatance would serue. The bishop offended herewith, complained of Barnes to the K. and had him examined, & at length by the kings com|mandement he came to the bishops house, where the matter was so handled at this time, that Barnes with two other preachers, the one named Hierome, and the other Garret (of whom hereafter more shall be said) were appointed to preach at S. Marie spittle by London in the Ester wéeke. In that sermon which Barnes made before all the people, he asked the bi|shop forgiuenesse, for speaking so vnreuerentlie of him in his former sermon, and required the bishop (if he did forgiue him) in token thereof to hold vp his hand, which like as it was long before he did, so (as manie thought afterward) it was but a frigned forgiuenesse.