Compare 1577 edition: 1 When the kings companie and hirs were once EEBO page image 950 come within the parke (as before yée haue heard) then all the horssemen on Blackeheath brake their araie, and had licence to depart to London or otherwhere to their lodgings.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The mariage is solemnized betwixt king Henrie & the ladie Anne of Cleue.On the tuesdaie following, being the daie of the Epiphanie, the mariage was solemnized betwixt the king and the said ladie. She was fetched from hir chamber by the lords, so that she going betwéene the earle of Ouersteine, and the grand master Hoscon|der, which had the conduct and order to sée the mari|age performed, she passed through the kings chamber & all the lords before hir, till shée came into the galle|rie, where the king was readie, staieng for hir, to whom she made thrée low obeisances and courtesies. Then the archbishop of Canturburie receiued them, and married them togither, and the earle of Ouer|steine did giue hir. When the mariage was celebrate they went hand in hand into the kings closet, and there hearing masse, offered their tapers, and after Masse was ended, they had wine and spices. And that doone, the king departed to his chamber, and all the ladies waited on hir to hir chamber, the duke of Norffolke going on hir right hand, and the duke of Suffolke on hir left.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After nine of the clocke, the king hauing shifted his apparell, came to his closet, & she likewise in hir haire, & in the same apparell she was married in she came to hir closet with hir sargeant at armes, & all hir officers before hir like a quéene, & so the king and she went openlie in procession, and offered and dined togither. After they had supped togither, there were bankets and maskes, and diuerse disports shewed, till time came, that it pleased the king and hir to take rest. On the sundaie after were kept solemne iusts,Iusts and tornements. which greatlie contented the strangers. This daie she was apparelled after the English manner, with a French hood, which became hir excéeding well. When the earle of Ouersteine and the other lords and ladies which had giuen their attendance on hir grace all that iourneie, had béene highlie feasted and interteined of the king and other of the nobles, they tooke leaue, and had great gifts giuen to them, both in monie and plate, and so returned toward their countrie, leauing behind them the erle of Wal|decke, and diuerse gentlemen and damosels to re|maine with hir, till she were better acquainted in the realme.