Compare 1577 edition: 1 About seauen of the clocke marched forward the light péeces of ordinance, with stone and powder.The order of the Londo|ners in their musters. Af|ter them followed the drums and fifes, and immedi|atlie after them a guidon of the armes of the citie. Then followed master Sadler capteine of the gun|ners on horssebacke armed, and in a cote of veluet, with a chaine of gold, and foure halberders about him apparelled as before is recited. Then followed the gunners foure in a ranke,The king ta|keth view of the Londo|ners in their musters. euerie one going fiue foot in sunder, which shot altogither in diuerse places verie liuelie, and in speciallie before the kings maie|stie, which at that time sat in his new gatehouse at his palace of Westminster, where he viewed all the whole companie. In like maner passed the other companies of all the three battels in good and séeme|lie order. The foremost capteine at nine of the clocke in the morning, by the little conduit came and ente|red into Paules churchyard, and from thense directlie to Westminster, and so through the sanctuarie, and round about the parke of S. Iames, and vp into the field, comming home through Holborne, and as the first capteine entered againe to the little conduit, the last of the muster entered Paules churchyard,The number of Londoners in this mu|ster. which was then about foure of the clocke in the afternoone. The number, beside the wiflers, and of other wai|ters was fiftéene thousand.
Compare 1577 edition:
3 ¶ The eight
of Iulie, Griffith Clearke,
Iohn Stow. Uicar of Wandsworth and other exe|cuted. vicar of Wandsworth, with his
chapleine and his seruant, & frier Waire, were all foure hanged and quartered at S. Thomas
Waterings. The tenth of Iulie sir Adrian Fortescue, and Thomas Dingleie were be|headed. The ninth of
Clerkenwell and other sup|pressed. The Pals|graue & other strangers come ouer in|to England.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The fouretéenth of Nouember, Hugh Feringdon abbat of Reding, and two priests, the one called Rug, and the other Onion, attainted of high treason for denieng the supremacie of the king ouer the church of England, were drawne, hanged, and quar|tered at Reding. The same daie was Richard Whi|ting abbat of Glastenburie likewise hanged and quartered on Towre hill beside his monasterie, for the same matter and other treasons whereof he had beene conuicted. The first of December was Iohn Bech abbat of Colchester put to death for the like offense.Pensioners instituted. In December were appointed to wait on the kings person fiftie gentlemen called pensio|ners, or speares, vnto whome was assigned the sum of fiftie pounds yeerelie a péece, for the maintenance of themselues and two horsses, or one horsse and a gelding of seruice.