Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Euerie man being of anie abilitie, prouided him selfe a cote of white silke, and garnished their base|nets with turues like caps of silke, set with owches, furnished with chaines of gold and feathers, or cau|sed their armor to be guilt, and likewise their hal|berds and pollaxes. Some, and especiallie certeine goldsmiths, had their whole armor of siluer bullion. The lord maior, the recorder, the aldermen, and e|uerie other officer beside were gorgeouslie trimmed, as for their degrees was thought séemelie. The ma|ior had sixteene tall fellowes on foot attending on him with guilt halberds, apparelled in white silke doub|lets, and their hose and shooes were likewise white, cut after the Almaine guise, pounsed and pulled out with red sarsenet: their ierkins were of white lea|ther cut, and chains about their necks, with feathers and brooches in their caps. The recorder and euerie alderman had about him foure halberders trimmed also in warlike sort. The chamberleine of the citie, the councellors & aldermens deputies were appoin|ted to be wiflers on horssebacke, which aloft on their armor ware white damaske cotes, mounted on good horsses well trapped, with great chaines about their necks, and proper iauelins or battell axes in their hands, and caps of veluet richlie trimmed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The wiflers.The wiflers on foot, being in number foure hun|dred proper light persons, were clad in white ierkins of leather cut, with white hose and shooes, euerie man with a iauelin or slaughsword in his hands, to kéepe the people in arraie. They had chaines about their necks,The min|strels. and fethers in their caps. The minstrels were in white, with the armes of the citie, and so was eue|rie other person at this muster without anie diuersi|tie; the lord maior, recorder, and aldermen, onelie ex|cepted, who had crosses of veluet or satin pirled with gold. The standard bearers were the tallest men of e|uerie ward, for whome were made thirtie new stan|dards of the deuise of the citie, beside baners. Eue|rie alderman mustred his own ward in the fields, to sée that euerie man were in furniture prouided as was requisite.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The eight of Maie being the daie appointed for to shew themselues before the king,Euerie alder|man with his ward in order o [...] battell. euerie alderman in order of battell with those of his ward came into the fields at Mile end, and then all the gunners seue|red themselues into one place, the pikes into ano|ther, and the archers into an other, and likewise the bilmen, and there cast themselues in rings, and other formes of battell, which was a beautifull sight to be|hold: for all the fields from white Chapell to Mile end, and from Bednall greene to Ratcliffe & Step|nie, were all couered with armour, men, and wea|pons, and especiallie the battell of pikes séemed to be as it had béene a great forrest. Then was euerie part diuided into thrée battels, a for-ward, a midle-ward, and a rere-ward.