Compare 1577 edition: 1 After that Robertet had read this writing there in presence of the emperours ambassadors,This Rober|tet was one of the secretaries to the estate. the king made further replie vnto the points conteined in the emperours answers to the defiance: and withall to conclude, told the said ambassador, that his ma|ster the emperor had constreined him by such mes|sage as he had sent to him, to make the answer in truth, which he had made: and further willed him to deliuer vnto the emperour the writing which he had signed with his hand, and to saie to him, that he tooke him for so honorable a prince, that considering the matter wherewith he charged him, and the answer that he made, he would not faile but to answer him like a gentleman, and not by writing like an ad|uocate. For if he otherwise doo (said the king) I will answer his chancellor by an aduocate, and a man of his estate, and a more honest man than he.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Shortlie after, the emperors ambassadors returned home into Spaine in safetie, and well intreted. And vpõ their returne, the ambassadors of France were set at libertie, and deliuered beyond Fonterabie, & so came safelie home into France. Then a French herald, appointed to accompanie the ambassadour Grandeuill, brought the writing of the combat vn|to the emperor, bicause Grandeuill refused to medle with it. To the which the emperor fiue moneths af|ter,The emperor answereth the French kings letters. or thereabouts, sent an answer by one of his heralds; who being arriued at Paris, meant vp|on the sudden to present his letters vnto the French king. But the king getting intelligence thereof, the tenth of September, sitting within his great hall of his palace at Paris aforesaid, before the table of marble in a roiall seat, addressed and set vp for him sixtéene steps in height, appointed to giue audience to the said herald.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 What states both natiue and forren were present in the French kings hall.On his right hand sate in chaires the king of Na|uarre, the duke of Alanson and Berrie, the earle of Foix and Arminacke. And on the same side sate also vpon a bench, the duke of Uandosme a peere of France, lieutenant generall, and gouernor of Pi|cardie, don Hercules de Est, eldest sonne to the duke of Ferrar, duke of Chartres and Montarges, who latelie before had maried the ladie Rener, a daugh|ter of France, the duke of Albanie regent and go|uernor of Scotland, the duke of Longueuille, great chamberleine of France. And néere to them vpon another bench sate the presidents and councellors of the court of parlement; and behind them manie gen|tlemen, doctors, and learned men. On the left hand were set in chaires prepared for them, the cardinall Saluarie the popes legat, the cardinall of Burbon, and duke of Laon, a peere of France, the cardinall of Sens chancellor of France, the cardinall of Lor|rain, the archbishop of Narbon, the ambassadors of the kings of England and Scotland, of the segniorie of Uenice, of Millan, of the Cantons, of the Suis|ses, and of Florence.