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Compare 1577 edition: 1 A great part of which their vndooings procéeded by the inconuenience of such vnconscionable offi|cers, as by the abuse of exigents outlawed those that neuer heard, nor had knowledge of the sutes com|mensed against them, of which hard and sharpe dea|ling (the harme that thereof insueth considered) if the occasion might be taken awaie by some other more reasonable forme and order of law deuised, whereby the parties might haue personall warning, it would both preserue manie an innocent man from vnde|serued vexation, and danger of vnmercifull losse of goods; and also redound highlie to the commendati|on of the prince, and such other as chanced to be re|formers of that colourable law, where they be called onelie in the counties without other knowledge gi|uen to them or theirs at their dwelling houses.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But now to returne. Such maner of outlawries, old recognisances of the peace, and good abearings, escapes, riots, & innumerable statutes penall, were put in execution, and called vpon by Empson and Dudleie; so that euerie man, both the spiritualtie and temporaltie, hauing either lands or substance, were inuited to that plucking banket. For these two raue|ning woolues had a gard of false periured persons apperteining to them, Ed. Hall in Hen. 7. fol. 53. which were impanelled in euerie quest. Learned men in the law, when they were required of their aduise, would say; To agrée is the best counsell that I can giue you. By this vndue meanes, these couetous persons filled the kings cof|fers, and inriched themselues. And at this vnreaso|nable and extort dooing, noble men grudged, meane men kicked, poore men lamented, preachers openlie at Poules crosse and other places exclamed, rebuked, and detested. Howbeit the good king in his last daies conserued and pardoned his poore subiects of such vn|charitable yokes and ponderous burdens as they were laden withall.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Sir Gilbert Talbot knight, and Richard Bere abbat of Glastenburie, and doctor Robert Sherborne deane of Poules, were sent as ambassadors from the K. to Rome, to declare to Pius the third of that name newlie elected pope in place of Alexander the sixt de|ceased, what ioy and gladnesse had [...]tered the kings heart for his preferment. But he taried not the com|ming of those ambassadors, for within a moneth af|ter that he was installed, he rendered his debt to na|ture, Abr. Fl. ex Guic. pag. 31 [...] and so had short pleasure of his promotion [not beguiling the hopes which the cardinals conceiued of him at the time of his creation, the six & twentith day after his election, which was in short time to die. This popes name was Francis Piccolomini cardinall of Sienna, in whom was no expectation of long life,Pag 31 [...]. both for his extreame age, and present sickenesse: a cardinall sure of vnspotted report, and for his other conditions not vnworthie that degrée; who to renew the memorie of Pius secundus his vncle, tooke vpon him the name of Pius the third.Pag 3 [...]7.

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