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Abr. Fl. ex Guic. pag. 355. King Philip saileth out of Flanders in|to Spaine.¶King Philip was imbarked to saile out of Flan|ders into Spaine with a great armie by sea; and to reduce his going to a more facilitie and safetie (for he feared least his father in law by the aid of the French would hinder his passage) he practised the Spanish subtilties, and agréed with him to leaue vnto him the managing and policie of the most part of affaires, and that they shuld take in common the title of king of Spaine, according to the example in the queenes time: and lastlie, that the reuenues and tributes should be diuided in an order certeine & indifferent. By reason of which accord, his father in law, notwith|standing he was not assured of the obseruation, sent him into Flanders manie ships to furnish his voi|age: with the which, hauing imbarked his wife, and Ferdinand his second sonne, he tooke his course into Spaine with forward winds, which, within two dais turning cleane contrarie, after his nauie had runne a dangerous fortune,King Philip cast by casual|tie of sea vpon the coasts of England. and made a wearie resistance against the furie of the sea, his ships were cast vpon sundrie coasts of England and Britaine; his owne person with two or thrée ships being driuen with ma|nifest perill vpon England into the hauen of South|hampton.

Whereof Henrie the seuenth then king of that nation being aduertised, sent to him with spéed ma|nie barons to doo him honour, and desire him to come to his court, then at London: a request which Philip could not denie, the king of Englands demand bee|ing no lesse honourable, than his owne estate full of necessitie and nakednesse. He remained in the court of England, vntill all his nauie was reassembled, and eftsoones rigged, making in the meane while be|twéene them new capitulations: wherein albeit Phi|lip in all other things held himselfe vsed as a king, yet in this one thing complained, that he was constrei|ned as a prisoner, to consent to redeliuer to K. Hen|ries hands the duke of Suffolke,Philip promi|seth to redeli|uer to king Henrie the duke of Suf|folke. whom he held priso|ner within the castell of Namur, and whom the king of England desired much to haue in his power, for that he quarrelled the title of the crowne, pretending the right of the kingdome to apperteine to him: one|lie the king of England assured Philip by the faith and word of a king, that he would not put him to death. Which he did as iustlie performe, as he had honorablie promised, keeping him in prison so long as he liued, and afterwards was beheaded vnder the reigne and commandement of his sonne.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Anno Reg. 22.This yeare the king began to be diseased of a cer|teine infirmitie, which thrise euerie yeare, but speci|ally in the springtime sore vexed him. And bicause for the most part the harme that chanceth to the prince, is parted with his subiects,The sweting sicknesse eft|soones re|turneth. the sweating sicknesse, which (as ye haue heard) in the first yeare of the king first afflicted the people of this realme, now assailed them againe; howbeit by the remedie found at the begining of it, nothing the like number died thereof now this second time, as did at the first time till the said remedie was inuented. But now the third plage equall to the pestilence insued, by the working of the maisters of the forfeitures, and such informers as were appointed thereto. By whose meanes manie a rich & wealthie person by the extremitie of the lawes of the realme were condemned and brought to great losse and hinderance.

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