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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 But king Iames not regarding his offers, would neither performe the one nor the other; fearing to cope with the English nation in anie condition; and so therevpon fled in the night season with all his puis|sance When the earle knew that the king was recu|led, and had béene in Scotland six or seuen daies, be|ing dailie and nightlie vexed with continuall wind and raine, vpon good and deliberate aduise returned backe to the towne of Berwike, and there dissolued his armie, tarieng there himselfe, till he might vn|derstand further of the kings pleasure.An ambassa|dour from the [...] of Spaine [...] a [...] betwixt England and Scotland. In the meane time there came an ambassadour to the K. of Scots from the K. of Spaine, one Peter Hialas, a man of no lesse learning than wit & policie, to mooue & intret a peace betweene the two kings of England & Scot|land [that their people might fall to their necessarie trades of aduantage with quietnesse, and friend with friend, husband with wife, father with children, and maisters with seruants dwell and accompanie: a dis|solution and separation of whome one from another is procured by bloudie warre, wherein as there is no pitie, so is there is no pietie, as one saith full trulie:

Nulla fides pietásque viris qui castra sequuntur,Luc. lib. 10.
Nulla salus bello.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This Spanish ambassadour so earnestlie trauel|led in his message vnto the king of Scots, that at length he found him comformable to his purpose: and therefore wrote to the king of England, that it would please him to send one of his nobilitie or coun|cell, to be associat with him in concluding of peace with the Scotish king. The king of England was neuer dangerous to agree to anie reasonable peace, so it might stand with his honour; and therefore ap|pointed the bishop of Durham doctor Fox, to go in|to Scotland about that treatie which Peter Hialas had begun. The bishop (according to his commission) went honorablie into Scotland, where he and Peter Hialas at the towne of Iedworth, after long argu|ing and debating of matters with the Scotish com|missioners, in stéed of peace concluded a truce for cer|teine yeares; vpon condition, that Iames king of Scots should conueie Perkin Warbecke out of his realme, seigniories, and dominions.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 About the same time, king Henrie receiued the ambassadors that were sent to him from the French king, and had béene staied at Douer, till the Cornish rebels were vanquished and subdued. Also the lord of Camphire, and other oratours of Philip archduke of Austrich, and duke of Burgognie came to him for the conclusion of amitie, and to haue the English merchants to resort againe to their countrie. Which request being verie agréeable to the quietnesse and wealth of his realme, and especiallie at that time,The English merchants re|ceiued into Antwerpe with generall procession. he did fauourablie grant and agrée vnto. And so did the Englishmen resort againe into the archdukes domi|nions, and were receiued into Antwerpe with gene|rall procession: so glad was that towne of their re|turne. Shortlie after the concluding of the truce be|tweene England and Scotland,Perkin is faine to pack [...] out of Scot|land. Perkin Warbecke being willed of the king of Scots to depart out of the Scotish dominions, sailed with his wife and fa|milie into Ireland, there determining with himselfe either to repaire into Flanders to his first setter vp the duches of Burgognie, or else ioine and take part with the Cornishmen.

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