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Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this meane while, Perkin Warbecke, being in Flanders, sore troubled that his iuggling was dis|couered, yet he determined not to leaue off his enter|prise, in hope at length to atteine the crowne of England: and so gathering a power of all nations, some bankrupts, some false English sanctuarie men, some théeues, robbers, and vagabunds, which desi|ring to liue by rapine, were glad to serue him. And thus furnished, he tooke such ships as his fréends had prouided for him: and departing from Flanders to|wards England, he arriued vpon the Kentish coast,Perkin at|tempteth to land in Kent in hope of his|torie. & there cast anchor, purposing to prooue how the people there were affected towards him: and therefore he sent certeine of his men to land, to signifie to the countrie his arriuall with such power, that the victo|rie must incline to his part.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Kentishmen vnderstanding that Perkin was but Perkin, and had none with him (to make account of) but strangers borne, like faithfull sub|iects determined to fall vpon those that were thus new come to land, and to trie if they might allure the whole number out of their ships, so to giue them battell. But Perkin wiselie considering that the maner of a multitude is not to consult, and sagelie to aduise with themselues in anie deliberate sort, but suddenlie and rashlie to run headlong into rebellion, would not set one foot out of his ship, vntill he saw all things sure. Yet he permitted some of his souldiers to go on land,Perkins men discomfited. which being trained foorth a pretie waie from their ships, were suddenlie compassed about and beset of the Kentishmen, and at one stroke van|quished and driuen backe to their ships.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Of these discomfited soules were taken prisoners an hundred and fortie persons, whereof fiue,Perkins cap|teins taken & executed. Mont|fort, Corbet, White, Belt, Quintin (or otherwise Ge [...]in) being capteins were brought to London by sir Iohn Pechie, shiriffe of Kent, railed in ropes like horsses drawing in a cart, & after vpon their arreign|ment confessed their offense, and were executed, some at London,Perkin re [...]|leth into Flanders. and other in the townes adioining to the sea coast. And thus Perkin, missing of his purpose, EEBO page image 793 [...] into Flanders. In this verie season depar| [...] [...] Cicilie duchesse of Yorke moother to king [...] the fourth, at hir castell of Berkhamstéed, [...] of small stature, but of much honour and [...] parentage, and was buried by hir husband in the college of Fodringcie.

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