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Compare 1577 edition: 1 After that the ambassadors were returned with this answer, Anno Reg. 9. Espials sent into Flanders from the king for a subtill policie. the king streight sent foorth certeine espi|als into Flanders, which should feigne themselues to haue fled to the duke of Yorke; and thereby search out the whole intent of the conspiracie, and after what sort they meant to proceed in the same. Others were sent also to intise sir Robert Clifford and Wil|liam Barleie, to returne into England, promising to them pardon of all their offenses, and high rewards, for obeieng the kings request. They that were sent, did so earnestlie and prudentlie applie their businesse, that they brought all things to passe at their owne de|sires. For first they learned who were the chéefe con|spirators, and after persuaded sir Robert Clifford to giue ouer that enterprise, which had no grounded staie to rest vpon. Albeit William Barleie at the first would not leaue off, but continued his begun attempt; till after two yeares, he repenting him of his follie, & hauing pardon granted him of the king, returned home into his natiue countrie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 When the king had knowledge of the chiefe cap|teins of this conspiracie (by the ouerture of his espi|als which were returned) he caused them to be appre|hended, and brought to London before his presence. Of the which the chiefe were Iohn Ratcliffe,The conspi|ring fa [...]tors of the coun|terfeit duke of Yorke. lord Fitz-Water, sir Simon Montford, sir Tho. Thwaits knights, William Daubeneie, Robert Ratcliffe, Thomas Cressenor, and Thomas Astwood. Also cer|teine preests & religious men, as sir William Rich|ford doctor of diuinitie, and sir Thomas Poines, both friers of saint Dominikes order, doctor William Sutton, sir William Worseleie deane of Paules, Robert Laiborne, and sir Richard Lesseie. Other which were guiltie, hearing that their fellowes were apprehended, fled and tooke sanctuarie. The other that were taken were condemned, of the which sir Simon Montford, Robert Ratcliffe, and William Daube|nie were beheaded.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Some had their pardons, and the préests also for their order sake; but yet few of them liued long af|ter. The lord Fitz-Water pardoned of life, was conueied to Calis, and there laid in hold, & after lost his head; bicause he went about to corrupt his kée|pers with rewards, that he might escape, intending (as was thought) to haue gone to Perkin. Abr. Flem. [Thus by EEBO page image 778 the policie and subtile deuise of the king, practised to the point by his espials, the sinewes of this conspira|cie was rent in sunder. So that the malicious ladie Margaret was not a little swolne with indignation when she saw the course of hir deuise (now that it had passed so far as that it was knowne to people on this side and beyond the seas) stopped, and the confede|racie (whereto she speciallie trusted) dissolued. Yet notwithstanding, as women will not (to die for it) giue ouer an enterprise, which of an enuious purpose they attempt; so she put hir irons afresh into the fier to set hir hatred forward: whome a while we will leaue at worke, and shew some dooings betwéene England and Flanders.]

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