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Compare 1577 edition: 1 But to returne to Perkin:Such long and looked for alterati [...]n of states. the brute of whome in England, blowne throughout the realme, sore dis|quieted the people, insomuch that not onelie the mea|ner sort, but also manie of the nobles and worshipfull personages beléeued and published it abroad, that all was true which was reported of him. And not onelie they that were in sanctuaries, but also manie other that were fallen in debt, assembled in a companie, and passed ouer the seas into Flanders, to their coun|terfeit duke of Yorke, otherwise rightlie named Perkin Warbecke. Truelie the realme of England EEBO page image 777 was in maner diuided (with the rumor and vaine fable spred abroad of this twise borne duke) into par|takings and contrarie factions.False rumors [...]casions of great disqui|etnes. And some of the no|ble men conspired togither, purposing to aid the fore|said Perkin, as the man whome they reputed to be the verie sonne of king Edward; and that the matter was not feigned, but altogither true, iust, and not imagined of anie malicious pretense or euill pur|pose.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 And bicause the thing was weightie, and required great aid and assistance, therefore they determined to send messengers vnto the ladie Margaret, to know when Richard duke of Yorke might conueni|entlie come into England; to the intent that they be|ing thereof certified, might be in a readinesse to helpe and succour him at his arriuall. So by the common consent of the conspirators, Anno Reg. 8. sir Robert Clifford knight, and William Barleie, were sent into Flan|ders, which discouered to the duches all the secret in|tents and priuie meanings of the fréends and fau|tors of the new found duke. The duches gladlie re|ceiued this message, and after shee had heard their errand, shée brought the messenger to the sight of Perkin,Perkin coun|terfeiteth the duke of Yorke verie cunning|lie. who so well counterfeited the gesture, coun|tenance, and maner of Richard duke of Yorke, that sir Robert Clifford beléeued verelie, that he was the second sonne of king Edward; and therefore wrote a letter of credit into England to his complices: and to put them out of doubt, he affirmed that he knew him to be king Edwards sonne by his face, and o|ther lineaments of his bodie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Upon this letter, the chéefe dooers in this businesse spred the signification thereof abroad through the realme, to the intent to stirre the people to some new tumult and commotion: but it was doone by such a secret craft, that no man could tell who was the au|thor of that rumor. The king perceiued that this vaine fable was not vanished out of the mad brains of the common people. To prouide therefore against all perils that might thereby insue, he sent certeine knights that were skilfull men of warre, with com|petent bands of soldiers, to kéepe the sea coasts and hauens, to vnderstand who came in and went out of the realme; doubting least some great conspiracie were in brewing against him. He also sent into the low countries certeine persons, to learne the truth of this forged dukes progenie,Perkins true linage. where some of them that were so sent, comming to Tournie, got know|lege that he was borne in that citie, of base linage, and named Perkin Warbecke.

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