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Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this solemne councell, diuerse & manie things for the wealth of the realme were debated and con|cluded. And among other it was determined, that the ladie Elizabeth wife to king Edward the fourth,Ladie Eliza|beth late wife to king Ed|ward the fourth, adiud|ged to forfeit all hir lands, for promise-breaking. should loose and forfeit all hir lands and possessions, bi|cause she had voluntarilie submitted hir selfe and hir daughters wholie to the hands of king Richard, con|trarie to hir promise made to the lords and nobles of this realme in the beginning of the conspiracie made against king Richard, whereby she did inough to haue quailed all the purpose of them that ioined with hir in that matter. But though hir fault was gree|uous, yet was it iudged by some men that she deser|ued not by equitie of iustice so great a losse and pu|nishment. Howbeit, this iudgement was altogither affectionate and parciall in hir behalfe; besides that it was reasonable in great measure (all circumstan|ces considered) for she was not lightlie induced to doo as she did, neither stood it with the frailtie of a woman to withstand the temptations of a mightie man, or rather a reaching tyrant.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But such was hir chance by hir lightnesse and inconstancie, that she wan the displeasure of manie men, and for that cause liued after in the abbeie of Bermondseie beside Southwarke a wretched and a miserable life, where not manie yeares after she de|ceassed, and is buried with hir husband at Windsore. Though fortune thus ruleth manie things at hir ple|sure, yet one worke that this quéene accomplished cannot be forgotten: for in the life time of hir hus|band king Edward the fourth, she founded and erec|ted a notable colledge in the vniuersitie of Cam|bridge,Quéenes col|ledge in Cam|bridge foun|ded by the la|die Elizabeth king Edward the fourth his wife. for the finding of scholers and students of the same vniuersitie, and endowed it with sufficient pos|sessions for the long maintenance of the same, which at this daie is called the Quéenes colledge.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When all things in this counsell were sagelie con|cluded and agréed to the kings mind, he returned to London; giuing in commandement, that the next sundaie insuing, Edward the yoong earle of War|wike EEBO page image 766 should be brought from the Tower through the most publike streets in all London,Edward the right earle of Warwike shewed open|lie in proces|sion. to the cathedrall church of saint Paule, where he went openlie in pro|cession, that euerie man might sée him, hauing com|munication with manie noble men, and with them especiallie that were suspected to be partakers of the late begun conspiracie; that they might perceiue how the Irishmen vpon a vaine shadowe mooued warre against the king and his realme. But this me|dicine little auailed euill disposed persons. For the earle of Lincolne sonne to Iohn de la Poole duke of Suffolke, and Elizabeth sister to king Edward the fourth, thought it not méet to neglect and omit so rea|die an occasion of new trouble.

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