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¶In this yeare Iohn Persiuall, Abr. Fl. ex epitome Rich. Grafto [...] One of the maiors offi|cers chosen shiriffe of Lõ|don and lord maior. one of the maior of Londons officers, and his caruer, was chosen one of the shiriffes of London. For when the maior (as the custome of London is) dooth elect one of the shiriffes of London for the yeare insuing, by taking and drinking a cup of wine to such a one as he lust to name shiriffe; the maior for the time being, whose name was sir Henrie Collet, tooke the cup of wine, and dranke vnto the aforesaid Iohn Persiuall his caruer standing bareheaded before him, and waiting vpon his boord, and called him shiriffe of London for the yeare insuing: and foorthwith the said maior cau|sed the same Persiuall to sit downe at his owne ta|ble and to couer his head. And the same Persiuall tooke vpon him the office of shiriualtie, and after was maior of London, and was made knight.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this meane time, of a small matter, and the EEBO page image 765 same altogither false and fained, there was an open path made and beaten foorth, for a greater inconueni|ence to insue. The which matter might séeme verie strange, how such trouble and mischéefe should grow thereof, if the time were not considered, in which it happened. For in those daies manie persons, either borne in the wombe of continuall dissention, or nou|rished with the milke of ciuill sedition, could not for|beare their vsuall custome of moouing strife, and sow|ing debate, euer glad to haue anie occasion, though neuer so small, to stirre vprores of warre, and slaugh|ter of people. Which men if they knew (a matter of weightie conceipt) the hurts thereof, they would be as earnest in seeking after peace as they are grée|die in pursuit of warre, speciallie ciuill warre: but the cause whie they are defectiue therein, is the want of méekenesse and humilitie, as the wiseman saith:

Mite cor horribili seditione vacat.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Amongst other such monsters and limmes of the diuell,Sir Richard Simond a fraudulent preest. there was one sir Richard Simond preest, a man of base birth, and yet well learned, but not so learned as wilie, nor so wilie as vngratious, delight|ing in fraud & deceit, euen from his youth. He had a scholer called Lambert Simenell, one of a gentle nature and pregnant wit,Lambert Simenell the counterfeit earle of War|w [...]ke. to be the organe and chéefe instrument, by the which he might conueie and bring to passe his mischéeuous attempt. The diuell chéefe master of such practises, put in the venemous braine of this disloiall and traitorous préest, to deuise how he might make his scholer the foresaid Lambert to be reputed as right inheritour to the crowne of this realme: namelie, for that the fame went that king Edwards children were not dead, but fled secretlie into some strange place, and there to be liuing: and that Edward earle of Warwike, sonne and heire to the duke of Clarence, either was, or shortlie should be put to death.

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