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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 But bicause the matter required quicke expediti|on,The duke [...] Bedford a|gainst the lord Louell in armes. he appointed the duke of Bedford with three thou|sand men not altogither the best armed (for their brest plates for the most part were of tanned leather) to march foorth against the lord Louell, and to set vpon him without anie lingering of time. The duke ha|sting forward, approched to the campe of his enimies, & before he would assaile them, he caused the heralds to make proclamation, that all those that would de|part from their armour, and submit themselues as subiects vnto their naturall prince and souereigne lord, should be pardoned of all former offenses. The lord Louell vpon this proclamation, either putting mistrust in his souldiers, or fearing himselfe in his owne behalfe, fled priuilie in a night from his com|panie, and left them as a flocke of shéepe without a shéepeheard.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Which departure of the lord when his armie vn|derstood, it put the soldiours in such despaire of atchi|uing anie further enterprise, that they immediatlie put off their armour, and came directlie vnto the duke, euerie man humblie submitting himselfe, and desiring pardon of his offenses. So in this wise was that dangerous storme and cruell rage of those furi|ous rebels appeased, which was doubted would haue growne to the destruction of manie a man. The lord Louell the procurer of this businesse, escaping awaie got him into Lancashire,The lord Lo|uell escaped. and there for a certeine space lay lurking in secret with sir Thomas Brough|ton knight, which in those parties was a man of no small authoritie and power.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Sir Humfreie Stafford also, hearing what had happened to the lord Louell,Sir [...] Stafford [...]a|ken out of Colnham sanctuarie, and execut [...]. in great displeasure and sorrowe, and for feare left his enterprise, and in like manner fled, and tooke sanctuarie at Colnham, a vil|lage not past two miles from Abindon. But bicause that sanctuarie was not a sufficient defense (as was prooued before the iustices of the kings Bench) for traitours, he was taken from that place, & brought to the Tower, & after put to execution at Tiborne: but his brother Thomas that was with him, was pardoned, bicause he was thought not to haue at|tempted anie thing of himselfe otherwise than by the euill counsell and persuasion of his elder brother. Af|ter that the king had quieted all these commotions and tumults, Anno Reg. [...]. and reformed the rude and brabling peo|ple of the North parts, he returned to London.

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