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Compare 1577 edition: 1 King Richard set on so sharplie at the first brunt, that he ouerthrew the earles standard, and slue sir William Brandon his standard-bearer (which was father to sir Charles Brandon by king Henrie the right created duke of Suffolke) and matched hand to hand with sir Iohn Cheinie,Sir William Brandon slaine. a man of great force and strength, which would haue resisted him: but the said Iohn was by him manfullie ouerthrowen. And to he making open passage by dint of sword as he went forward, the earle of Richmond withstood his violence, and kept him at the swords point without aduantage, longer than his companions either thought or iudged: which being almost in despaire of victorie, were suddenlie recomforted by sir William Stanleie, which came to his succors with three thou|sand tall men. At which verie instant, king Richards men were driuen backe and fled,The kings [...]mie flieth. & he himselfe man|fullie fighting in the middle of his enimies, was slaine, and (as he worthilie had deserued) came to a bloudie death, as he had lead a bloudie life.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In the meane season, the earle of Oxford with the aid of the lord Stanleie, after no long fight, discomfi|ted the fore- [...] of king Richard, whereof a great number were slaine in the chase and fight: but the greatest number which (compelled by feare of the king, and not of their meére voluntarie motion) came to the field, gaue neuer a stroke, and hauing no harme nor damage, safelie departed, which came not thither in hope to sée the king prosper and preuaile, but to heare that he should be shamefullie confoun|ded and brought to ruine. In this battell died few a|boue the number of a thousand persons:Duke of Norffolke slaine in the field. and of the nobilitie were slaine Iohn duke of Norffolke, which was warned by diuerse to refraine from the field, in so much that the night before he should set forward toward the king, one wrote this rime vpon his gate:

Iacke of Norffolke be not too bold,
For Richard, Dikon thy maister is bought and sold.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Yet all this notwithstanding, he regarded more his oth, his honor, and promise made to king Ri|chard, like a gentleman; and as a faithfull subiect to his prince, absented not himselfe from his maister; but as he faithfullie liued vnder him, so he manfullie died with him, to his great fame and laud. [And ther|fore, though his seruice was ill imploied in aid of a tyrant (whome it had béene more honorable to haue suppressed than supported) yet bicause he had vpon his fealtie vndertaken to fight in his quarell, he thought it lesse losse of life and liuing than of glorie & honour: so that he might haue said, in respect of his loialtie & promised truth testified with constancie to the death:

Est mihi supplicium causa fuisse pium.

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