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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 These chéerefull words he set foorth with such ge|sture of his bodie, & smiling countenance, as though alreadie he had vanquished his enimies, and gotten the spoile. He had scatlie finished his saieng,The battell betweene king Richard, and king Henrie the [...] called Bel|worth [...]. but the one armie spied the other. Lord how hastilie the soldi|ers buckled their healmes, how quicklie the archers bent their bowes and frushed their feathers, how rea|dilie the bilmen shooke their billes, and prooued their staues, readie to approach and ioine, when the terrible trumpet should sound the bloudie blast to victorie or death! Betwéene both armies there was a great marish then (but at this present, by reason of diches cast, it is growne to be firme ground) which the earle of Richmond left on his right hand; for this intent, that it should be on that side a defense for his part, and in so dooing he had the sunne at his backe,The policie of the earle. and in the faces of his enimies. When king Richard saw the earles companie was passed the marish; he did command with all hast to set vpon them. Then the trumpets sounded, and the souldiers shouted, and the EEBO page image 759 kings archers couragiouslie let flie their arrowes. The earles bowmen stood not still, but paied them home againe.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The terrible shot once passed, the armies ioined and came to hand-strokes, where neither sword nor bill was spared. At which incounter, the lord Stanleie ioined with the earle. The earle of Oxford in the meane season,The ea [...]le of Oxfords [...] to his [...]nd of men. fearing least while his companie was fighting, they should be compassed and circumuen|ted with the multitude of the enimies, gaue com|mandement in euerie ranke, that no man should be so hardie, as to go aboue ten foot from the standard. Which commandment once knowne, they knit them|selues togither, and ceassed a little from fighting. The aduersaries suddenlie abashed at the matter, and mi|strusting some fraud and deceit, began also to pause and left striking; and not against the wils of manie, which had rather had the king destroied, than saued, and therefore they fought verie faintlie, or stood still.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle of Oxford, bringing all his band togi|ther on the one part,The earle of Oxfords va|liantnesse. set on his enimies freshlie a|gaine. The aduersaries perceiuing that, placed their men slender and thin before, but thicke and broad be|hind, beginning againe hardilie the battell. While the two fore-wards thus mortallie fought, ech inten|ding to vanquish and conuince the other; king Ri|chard was admonished by his explorators and espi|als, that the earle of Richmond (accompanied with a small number of men of armes) was not far off. And as he approched and marched toward him, he perfe|ctlie knew his personage by certeine demonstrati|ons and tokens, which he had learned and knowen of others that were able to giue him full information. Now being inflamed with ire, and vexed with out|ragious malice, he put his spurres to his horsse, and rode out of the side of the range of his battell, lea|uing the vant-gard fighting; and like a hungrie lion ran with speare in rest toward him. The earle of Richmond perceiued well the king furiouslie com|ming toward him, and bicause the whole hope of his wealth and purpose was to be determined by bat|tell,The earle of Richmond pro [...]ereth to incounter K. Richard bo|die to bodie. he gladlie proffered to incounter with him bodie to bodie, and man to man.

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