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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king was scarse two daies iournie from Sa|lisburie,The duke of Buckinghãs power of wild Welshmen (falseharted) doo [...]aile him. when the duke of Buckingham accompani|ed with a great power of wild Welshmen, whom he (being a man of great courage and sharpe speech) in maner against their willes had rather thereto infor|ced and compelled by lordlie and streict commande|ment, than by liberall wages and gentle demenour, which thing was the verie occasion why they left him desolate, & cowardlie forsooke him. The duke with all his power marched through the forrest of Deane, in|tending to haue passed the riuer Seuerne at Gloce|ster, & there to haue ioined his armie with the Court|neis, and other westerne men of his confederacie and affinitie. Which if he had doone, no doubt but king Richard had béene in great ieopardie, either of priua|tion of his realme, or losse of his life, or both.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But sée the chance. Before he could atteine to Se|uerne side, by force of continuall raine and moisture, the riuer rose so high that it ouerflowed all the coun|trie adioining,A sore floud or high water dooing much harme, called the duke of Buckinghãs great water. insomuch that men were drowned in their beds, and houses with the extreame violence were ouerturned, children were caried about the fields swimming in cradels, beasts were drowned on hilles. Which rage of water lasted continuallie ten daies, insomuch that in the countrie adioining they call it to this daie, The great water; or, the duke of Buckinghams great water. By this floud the passages were so closed, that neither the duke could come ouer Seuern to his adherents, nor they to him. During the which time, the Welshmen lingring ide|lie, and without monie, vittels, or wages, suddenlie scattered and departed: and for all the dukes faire promises, threatnings, and inforcements, would in no wise either go further nor abide.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The duke (being thus left almost post alone) was of necessitie compelled to flie, and in flight was with this sudden fortune maruellouslie dismaid: and be|ing vnpurneied what counsell he should take, and what waie he should follow, like a man in despaire, not knowing what to doo, of verie trust & confidence conueied himselfe into the house of Humfreie Bana|ster his seruant beside Shrewesburie, whome he had tenderlie brought vp, and whome he aboue all men loued, fauoured, and trusted; now not doubting but that in his extreame necessitie he should find him faithfull, secret, and trustie, intending there couertlie to lurke, till either he might raise againe a new ar|mie, or else shortlie to saile into Britaine to the earle of Richmond. [But alas (good duke) the meanes (by occasion of Gods prouidence, shaking men out of their shifts of supposed safetie) failed him, and he fell infortunatlie into the hands of the foming bore, that tare him in péeces with his tuskes.]

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