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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The duke of Buckingham conspireth a|gainst king Richard.And bicause he knew the duke of Buckingham to be the chiefe head and aid of the coniuration, hée thought it most necessarie to plucke him from that part, either by faire promises or open warre. Where|vpon he addressed his louing letters to the duke, full of gentle words, & most friendlie speach; giuing fur|ther in charge to the messenger that caried the letter to promise the duke (in his behalfe) golden hilles, and siluer riuers, and with all gentle and pleasant means to persuade and exhort the duke to come to the court. But the duke as wilie as the king, mistrusting the faire flattering words, and the gaie promises to him so suddenlie without any cause offered, knowing the craftie casts of king Richards bow, which in diuerse affaires before time he had séene practised, required the king to pardon him, excusing himselfe that he was so diseased in his stomach, that scant he could ei|ther take refection or rest.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 King Richard not being content with this excuse, would in no wise admit the same; but incontinent directed to the duke other letters, of a more rougher and hautier sort, not without tawnting and biting tearmes, and checking words, commanding him (all excuses set apart) to repaire without anie delaie to his roiall presence. The duke made to the messeng a determinate answer,The duke of Buckingham [...] professed enimie to king Richard. that he would not come to his mortall enimie, whome he neither loued, nor fa|uoured: and immediatlie prepared open warre a|gainst him, and persuaded all his complices and par|takers, that euerie man in his quarter, with all dili|gence should raise vp people & make a commotion. And by this means almost in one moment Thomas marques Dorset came out of sanctuarie, where since the begining of K. Richards daies he had continued, whose life by the onelie helpe of sir Thomas Louell was preserued from all danger & perill in this trou|blous world, gathered togither a great band of men in Yorkeshire.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Sir Edward Courtneie, and Peter his brother bishop of Excester, raised an other amie in Deuon|shire and Cornewall. In Kent Richard Gilford and other gentlemen collected a great companie of souldiers, and openlie began warre. But king Ri|chard,K. Richards [...] in the disposing of his armie. who in the meane time had gotten togither a great strength and puissance, thinking it not most for his part beneficiall, to disperse and diuide his great armie into small branches, and particularlie to persecute anie one of the coniuration by himselfe, de|termined (all other things being set aside) with his whole puissance to set on the chiefe head, which was the duke of Buckingham. And so remoouing from London, he tooke his iournie toward Salisburie, to the intent that in his iournie he might set on the dukes armie, if he might know him in anie place in|camped, or in order of battell arraied.

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