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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 And on the right hand of the king sat the bishop of Canturburie. The ladies sat all on one side, in the middle of the hall. And at the table against them sat the chancellor and all the lords. At the table next the cupboord, sat the maior of London; and at the table behind the lords, sat the barons of the ports: and at the other tables sat noble and worshipfull persona|ges. When all persons were set, the duke of Norf|folke earle marshall, the earle of Surrie, constable for that daie, the lord Stanlie lord steward, sir Wil|liam Hopton treasuror, & sir Thomas Persie con|trollor, came in and serued the king solemnelie, with one dish of gold, and an other of siluer, and the quéene all in gilt vessell, and the bishop all in siluer.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 At the second course came into the hall sir Robert Dimmocke the kings champion,Sir Robert Dimmocke the kings champion his challenge in the behalfe of king Richard. making proclama|tion, that whosoeuer would saie, that king Richard was not lawfull king, he would fight with him at the vtterance, and threw downe his gantlet, and then all the hall cried; King Richard. And so he did in thrée parts of the hall, and then one brought him a cup of wine couered, and when he had drunke, he cast out the drinke, and departed with the cup. After that, the heralds cried a largesse thrise in the hall, and so went vp to their stage. At the end of dinner, the maior of London serued the king & quéene with swéete wine, and had of each of them a cup of gold, with a couer of gold. And by that time that all was doone, it was darke night. And so the king returned to his cham|ber, and euerie man to his lodging.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 When this feast was thus finished, the king sent home all the lords into their countries that would de|part, except the lord Stanleie, whome he reteined, till he heard what his sonne the lord Strange went about.A ga [...]e pre|tense of iustice and equitie. And to such as went home, he gaue streight charge and commandement, to sée their countries well ordered, and that no wrong nor extortion should be doone to his subiects. And thus he taught other to execute iustice and equitie, the contrarie whereof he dailie exercised. He also with great rewards giuen to the Northernemen, which he sent for to his corona|tion, sent them home to their countrie with great thanks: whereof diuerse of them (as they be all of nature verie gréedie of authoritie, & speciallie when they thinke to haue anie comfort or fauour) tooke on them so highlie, and wrought such maisteries, that the king was faine to ride thither in his first yeare, and to put some in execution, and staie the countrie, or else no small mischeefe had insued.

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