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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Then the duke, when he had shewed this to the ma|ior and other, that they might thereby sée how little the protector looked for this matter, they sent vnto him by the messenger such louing message againe, and therewith so humblie besought him, to vouchsafe that they might resort to his presence to propose their intent, of which they would vnto none other person anie part disclose; that at the last he came foorth of his chamber, and yet not downe vnto them, but stood a|boue in a gallerie ouer them, where they might sée him, and speake to him, as though he would not yet come too néere them till he wist what they ment. And thervpon the duke of Buckingham first made hum|ble petition vnto him on the behalfe of them all, that his grace would pardon them, and licence them to propose vnto his grace the intent of their comming, without his displeasure, without which pardon obtei|ned, they durst not be bold to mooue him of that matter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In which albeit they ment as much honor to his grace, as wealth to all the realme beside, yet were they not sure how his grace would take it, whome they would in no wise offend. Then the protector (as he was verie gentle of himselfe, and also longed sore to wit what they ment) gaue him leaue to propose what him liked, verelie trusting (for the good mind that he bare them all) none of them anie thing would intend vnto himward, wherewith he ought to bée gréeued. When the duke had this leaue and pardon to speake, then waxed he bold to shew him their in|tent and purpose, with all the causes moouing them therevnto (as ye before haue heard) and finallie to be|séech his grace, that it would like him, of his accusto|med goodnesse and zeale vnto the realme, now with his eie of pitie to behold the long continued distresse and decaie of the same, and to set his gratious hands to redresse and amendment thereof.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 All which he might well doo, by taking vpon him the crowne and gouernance of this realme, according to his right and title lawfullie descended vnto him, and to the laud of God, profit of the land, & vnto his noble grace so much the more honour, and lesse paine, in that, that neuer prince reigned vpon anie people, that were so glad to liue vnder his obeisance, as the people of this realme vnder his. When the protector had heard the proposition, he looked verie strangelie thereat, and answered: that all were it that he part|lie knew the things by them alledged to be true; yet such entire loue he bare vnto king Edward and his children,O singular dissimulation of king Ri|chard. that so much more regarded his honour in other realmes about, than the crowne of anie one of which he was neuer desirous, that he could not find in his hart in this point to incline to their desire. For in all other nations, where the truth were not well knowne, it should peraduenture be thought, that it were his owne ambitious mind and deuise, to depose the prince, and take himselfe the crowne.

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