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Compare 1577 edition: 1 But were it for woonder or feare,The election of K. Richard hardlie to be preferred. or that each looked that other should speake first: not one word was there answered of all the people that stood before, but all was as still as the midnight, not somuch as row|ning amongest them, by which they might seeme to commune what was best to do. When the maior saw this, he with other partners of that councell drew a|bout the duke, and said that the people had not béene accustomed there to be spoken vnto, but by the re|corder, which is the mouth of the citie, and happilie to him they will answer. With that the recorder, cal|led Fitz William, a sad man, & an honest,Fitz William recorder. which was so new come into that office, that he neuer had spo|ken to the people before, and loth was with that mat|ter to begin, notwithstanding thervnto commanded by the maior, made rehearsall to the commons of that the duke had twise rehearsed to them himselfe.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But the recorder so tempered his tale, that he shewed euerie thing as the dukes words, and no part his owne. But all this noting no change made in the people, which alwaie after one stood as they had béene men amazed. Wherevpon the duke rowned vnto the maior and said; This is a maruellous obstinate si|lence: and therewith he turned vnto the people a|gaine with these words; Déere friends, we come to mooue you to that thing, which peraduenture we not so greatlie néeded, but that the lords of this realme, and the commons of other parties might haue suffi|ced, sauing that we such loue beare you, and so much set by you, that we would not gladlie doo without you, that thing in which to be partners is your weale and honor, which (as it séemeth) either you sée not, or weie not. Wherefore we require you giue vs an|swer one way or other, whether you be minded, as all the nobles of the realme be, to haue this noble prince, now protector, to be your king or not.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 At these words the people began to whisper among themselues secretly, that the voice was neither lowd nor distinct, but as it were the sound of a swarme of bées, till at the last in the nether end of the hall,K. Richards election pre|ferred by [...]|ces of con|federacie. an ambushment of the dukes seruants and Nashfields, and other belonging to the protector, with some pren|tisses and lads that thrust into the hall amongst the prease, began suddenlie at mens backes to crie out, as lowd as their throtes would giue; King Richard, king Richard: and threw vp their caps in token of ioy. And they that stood before, cast backe their heads maruelling therof, but nothing they said. Now when the duke and the maior saw this maner, they wiselie turned it to their purpose, and said it was a goodlie crie, & a ioifull, to heare euerie man with one voice, no man saieng naie.

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