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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle of warwike s [...]aine.But nothing lasteth alwaie: for in conclusion, king Edward returned, and with much lesse number than he had at Barnet on the Easterdaie field, slue the earle of Warwike, with manie other great e|states of that partie, & so stablie atteined the crowne againe, that he peaceablie enioied it vntill his dieng daie: and in such plight left it, that it could not be lost but by the discord of his verie friends, or falshood of his feined fréends. I haue rehearsed this businesse about this marriage somewhat the more at length, bicause it might thereby the better appeare, vpon how slipperie a ground the protector builded his colour, by which he pretended king Edwards children to be bastards. But that inuention, simple as it was, it li|ked them to whome it sufficed to haue somewhat to saie, while they were sure to be compelled to no lar|ger proofe than themselues list to make.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Now then (as I began to shew you) it was by the protector and his councell concluded, that this doctor Shaw should in a sermon at Pauls crosse sig|nifie to the people,Doc. Shaw [...] sermon. that neither king Edward him|selfe, nor the duke of Clarence, were lawfullie be|gotten, nor were not the verie children of the duke of Yorke, but gotten vnlawfullie by other persons, in adulterie, of the duches their mother. And that also dame Elizabeth Lucie was verelie the wife of king Edward, and so the prince and all his children ba|stards, that were begotten vpon the quéene. Accor|ding to this deuise doctor Shaw the sundaie after, at Paules crosse in a great audience (as alwaie assem|bled great number to his preaching) he tooke for his theame; Spuria vitilamina non agent radices altas, that is to saie; Bastard slippes shall neuer take deepe root.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Therevpon when he had shewed the great grace that God giueth, and secretlie infundeth in right generation after the lawes of matrimonie, then de|clared he, that commonlie those children lacked that grace, and for the punishment of their parents were (for the more part) vnhappie, which were gotten in base, and speciallie in adulterie. Of which, though some, by the ignorance of the world and the truth hid from knowledge, inherited for the season other mens lands, yet God alwaie so prouideth, that it continueth not in their bloud long: but the truth comming to light, the rightfull inheritors be restored, and the ba|stard slip pulled vp yer it can be rooted deepe. And so he did laie for the proofe and confirmation of this sentence certeine insamples taken out of the old te|stament, and other ancient histories.

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