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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 And therefore, I insure you faithfullie for my mind, I will rather (manger hir mind) fetch him a|waie, than leaue him there, till hir frowardnesse and fond feare conueie him awaie. And yet will I breake no sanctuarie therfore. For verely, sith the priuileges of that place, and other like, haue béene of long conti|nued, I am not he that would be about to breake them. And in good faith, if they were now to begin, I would not be he that should be about to make them. Yet will I not say naie,Of sanctua|ries. but that it is a déed of pitie, that such men as the sea, or their euill debtors haue brought in pouertie, should haue some place of liber|tie, to kéepe their bodies out of danger of their cruell creditors.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 And also, if the crowne happen (as it hath doone) to come in question, while either part taketh other as traitors, I will well there be some places of refuge for both. But as for théeues, of which these places be full, and which neuer fall from the craft, after they once fall thereto, it is pitie the sanctuarie should serue them. And much more, mankillers, whome God bad to take from the altar and kill them, if their murther were wilfull. And where it is otherwise, there néed we not the sanctuaries that God appointed in the old law. For if either necessitie, his owne defense, or mis|fortune draweth him to that déed, a pardon serueth, which either the law granteth of course, or the king of pitie maie. Then looke me now how few sanctuarie men there be, whome anie fauourable necessitie com|pelled to go thither. And then sée on the other side, what a sort there be commonlie therin of them, whom wilfull vnthriftinesse hath brought to naught.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 What a rabble of théues, murtherers, and mali|cious heinous traitors, and that in two places speci|allie; the one at the elbow of the citie, the other in the verie bowels. I dare well auow it, weie the good that they doo,Westminster and saint Martins. with the hurt that commeth of them, and ye shall find it much better to lacke both, than haue both. And this I saie, although they were not abused as they now be, & so long haue be, that I feare me euer they will be, while men be afraid to set their hands to the mendment, as though God & S. Peter were the patrones of vngratious liuing. Now vn|thrifts riot & run in debt,The abuse of sanctuaries. vpon boldnesse of these pla|ces, yea, and rich men run thither with poore mens goods, there they build, there they spend, & bid there creditors go whistle them. Mens wiues run thither with their husbands plate, & saie they dare not abide with their husbands for beating. Théeues bring thi|ther their stollen goods, and there liue thereon.

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