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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 There deuise they new robberies, nightlie they steale out, they rob, and reaue, and kill, and come in a|gaine, as though those places gaue them not onelie a safegard for the harme they haue doone, but a licence also to doo more. Howbeit, much of this mischiefe (if wise men would set their hands to it) might be amen|ded, with great thanks to God, and no breach of the priuilege. The residue, sith so long ago, I wote néere what pope, and what prince more pitious than politike, hath granted it, & other men since, of a cer|teine religious feare, haue not broken it, let vs take a paine therewith, and let it a Gods name stand in force, as farre foorth as reason will, which is not fullie so farre foorth, as may serue to let vs of the fetching foorth of this noble man to his honor and wealth, out of that place, in which he neither is, nor can be a sanctuarie man.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 A sanctuarie serueth alwaie to defend the bodie of that man that standeth in danger abroad,The vse of sanctuaries. not of great hurt onlie, but also of lawfull hurt: for against vnlawfull harmes, neuer pope nor king intended to priuilege anie one place, for that priuilege hath e|uerie place. Knoweth anie man, anie place wherin it is lawfull one man to doo another wrong? That no man vnlawfullie take hurt, that libertie, the king, the law, and verie nature forbiddeth in euerie place, and maketh (to that regard) for euerie man euerie place a sanctuarie. But where a man is by lawfull means in perill, there néedeth he the tuition of some speciall priuilege, which is the onelie ground and cause of all sanctuaries.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 From which necessitie, this noble prince is farre, whose loue to his king, nature and kinred prooueth; whose innocencie to all the world, his tender youth prooueth; and so sanctuarie, as for him, neither none he néedeth, nor also none can haue. Men come not to sanctuarie, as they come to baptisme, to require it by their godfathers; he must aske it himselfe that must haue it, and reason; sith no man hath cause to haue it, but whose conscience of his owne fault ma|keth him fain, néed to require it. What will then hath yonder babe, which and if he had discretion to require it, if néed were, I dare say would now be right an|grie with them that keepe him there? And I would thinke without anie scruple of conscience, without a|nie breach of priuilege, to be somewhat more homelie with them that be there sanctuarie men in déed.

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