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Compare 1577 edition: 1 So that you see it was conteined in the said instru|ment or writing, that king Edward should intimate his pleasure vnto the said prouost and burgesses of Edenburgh, before the feast of Alsaints next follow|ing, whether he would the mariage should take place, or that he would haue the paiment of the monie. Ac|cording to which article, king Edward sent Gartier his principall king of armes,Gartier king of armes is sent into Scotland. and Northumberland herald, to declare his refusall of the mariage, and the election and choise of the repaiment of the monie. They came to Edenburgh eight daies before the feast of Alsaints, where (according to their commissi|on and instructions) Gartier declared the pleasure of the king his maister vnto the prouost and burgesses of Edenburgh, to whom he openlie said as followeth.

16.1. The intimation of Gartier king of armes to the Edenburghers.

The intimation of Gartier king of armes to the Edenburghers.

_I Gartier king of armes, seruant, Abr. Fl. ex Edw. Hall. fol. Ccxlvij. proctour and messenger vnto the most high and mightie prince, my most dread souereigne lord Ed|ward, by the grace of God king of England and of France, and lord of Ireland, by ver|tue of certeine letters of procuracie here readie to be shewed come, by my said soue|reigne lord made and giuen, make notice and giue knowledge vnto you prouost, bur|gesses, merchants and communaltie of the towne of Edenburgh in Scotland, that whereas it was sometime communed and agreed betweene my said souereigne lord on the one partie, and the right high & migh|tie prince Iames king of Scots on the o|ther partie, that mariage and matrimonie should haue beene solemnized, and had be|tweene Iames the first begotten sonne of the said king of Scots, and ladie Cicilie, daughter to my said souereigne lord the king of England.

And for the said mariage to haue beene performed, certeine and diuers great sums of monie beene paied and contented by my said souereigne lord, which summes of mo|nie, in case of refusall of the said mariage, by my said souereigne lord to be made and declared, yee the said prouost, burgesses, merchants, and communaltie, and euerie one of you are bound and obliged by your letters, vnder your common seale of your towne of Edenburgh, to repaie vnto his highnes vnder like forme, & at such termes as they were first paied. So that the king my souereigne lord would make notice and knowledge of his pleasure and election in taking or refusing of the said mariage of the repaiment of the said sums of monie, EEBO page image 708 before the feast of Alhalowes next to come; like as in your said letters, bearing date at Edenburgh the fourth daie of August last past, it was conteined all at large.

The pleasure and election of my said so|uereigne lord, for diuerse causes and consi|derations him moouing, is to refuse the ac|complishment of the said mariage, and to haue the repaiment of all such summes of monie, as (by occasion of the said betrusted mariage) his highnesse had paied. The said repaiment to be had of you prouost, bur|gesses, merchants, and communaltie, and euerie of you, your heires and successours, according to your bond and obligation a|fore rehearsed. And therefore I giue you notice & knowledge by this writing, which I deliuer vnto you, within the terme in your said letters limited and expressed, to all intents and effects, which thereof may insue.

When Gartier had thus declared all things gi|uen to him in charge, the prouost and other burgesses made answer, that they now knowing the kings de|terminat pleasure, would (according to their bond) prepare for the repaiment of the said summes; and gentlie interteining Gartier conueied him to Ber|wike, from whence he departed to Newcastell, to the duke of Glocester, making relation to him of all his dooings: which duke with all speed returned to Shrithuton, and there abode. Shortlie after Gartiers departing, the duke of Albanie, thinking to obteine againe the high fauour of the king his brother, deli|uered him out of captiuitie and prison, wherin he had a certeine space continued (not without the dukes as|sent, which besieged him in the castell of Edenburgh a little before) and set him at large, of whome out|wardlie he receiued great thanks, when inwardlie nothing but reuenging & confusion was in the kings stomach fullie setled. So that shortlie after in the kings presence he was in ieopardie of his life, and all vnprouided for dread of death, constrained to take a small balinger, and to saile into France, where shortlie after riding by the men of armes, which in|countered at the tilt, by Lewes then duke of Orle|ance, after French king, he was with mischarging of a speare by fortunes peruerse countenance pitifullie slaine and brought to death, leauing after him one onelie son named Iohn, which being banished Scot|land, inhabited & maried in France, and there died.

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