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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But notwithstanding that (as some write) the bastard Fauconbridge, and other of his companie that were got to Sandwich, had thus their pardons by composition at the kings hand; we find neuerthe|lesse, that the said bastard Fauconbridge, being after|wards at sea (a rouing belike,The bastard of Faucon|bridge be|headed. as he had vsed before) came at length into the open hauen at Southhamp|ton, and there taking land, was apprehended, and shortlie after beheaded. This chanced (as should ap|peare by Fabian) about the latter end of October. Moreouer, Roger Uaughan that had béene sent by king Edward into Wales,Roger Uaug|han taken and beheaded. anon after Teukes|burie field (being a man of great power in that coun|trie) to intrap and surprise by some secret sleight the earle of Penbroke, the said earle being thereof aduer|tised, tooke the same Roger, and without delay stroke off his head.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After this, was the earle besieged in the towne of Penbroke by Morgan Thomas; but the siege was raised by Dauid Thomas, brother to the said Mor|gan,Dauid Tho|mas. a faithfull friend to the earle; and then the earle by his helpe was conueied to Tinbie, where he got ships, and with his nephue the lord Henrie earle of Richmond sailed into Britaine,The earle of Penbroke with his ne|phue the earle of Richmond [...] ouer into Britaine. where, of the duke they were courteouslie interteined; with assurance made, that no creature should doo them anie wrong or iniurie within his dominions. King Edward vi|siting diuerse places in Kent, sate in iudgement on such as had aided the bastard in the last commotion, of whome diuerse were condemned and executed, as Spising one of the capteins that assaulted Algate, whose head was set vp ouer the same gate: and so likewise was the head of one Quintine, a butcher, that was an other capteine amongest them,Execution. and chiefe of those that assaulted Bishops gate, as some write.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, at Canturburie the maior of that citie was executed, and diuerse other at Rochester, Maid|ston and Blackeheath: for the lord marshall and o|ther iudges, being appointed to hold their oier and de|terminer in that countrie of Kent, there were aboue an hundred indicted and condemned. Diuerse also of Essex men that had béene partakers in this rebellion with the bastard, & holpe to set fire on Bishops gate and Algate, were hanged betwixt Stratford and London. Manie also of the wealthie commons in Kent were put to grieuous fines.

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