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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Now when the king had made an end of his bu|sinesse in that countrie, he returned to London, com|ming thither againe vpon Whitsun éeuen, being the first of Iune. Fabian. And hauing thus within the space of eleuen wéekes recouered in maner the whole posses|sion of his realme, being relieued of the most part of all his doubtfull feare, he ment to remooue all stops out of the waie. Wherefore he sent the archbishop of Yorke, brother to the earle of Warwike,The archbi|shop of Yorke. and to the marques Montacute ouer to Guisnes, there to be kept in safe custodie within the castell, where he con|tinued a long season, till at length be was by friend|ship deliuered, and shortlie after (through verie an|guish of mind) departed this life; whome Laurence Bath, and after him Thomas Rotheram in the sée of Yorke, did ordinarilie succeed. Beside this, Iohn earle of Oxford, which after Barnet field both manfullie and valiantlie kept saint Michaels mount in Corne|wall, either for lacke of aid,The earle of Oxford. or persuaded by his friends, gaue vp the mount, and yeelded himselfe to king Edward (his life onelie saued) which to him was granted. But to be out of all doutfull imaginations, king Edward also sent him ouer the sea to the castell of Hammes, where, by the space of twelue yeeres hée was in strong prison shut vp and warilie looked to.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 King Edward was not a litle disquieted in mind, Anno Reg. 12. for that the earls of Penbroke & Richmond were not onlie escaped out of the realme, but also well receiued and no woorsse interteined of the duke of Britaine:Messengers sent to the duke of Bri|taine. he sent therefore in secret wise graue & close messengers to the said duke, the which should not sticke to promise the duke great and rich rewards, so that he would de|liuer both the earles into their hands and possession. The duke, after he had heard them that were sent, made this answer, that he could not with his honor deliuer them, to whome he had giuen his faith to sée them preserued from all iniurie: but this (he said) he would doo for the king of England, that they should be so looked vnto, as he néeded not to doubt of any at|tempt to be made against him by them, or by their meanes.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king receiuing this answer, wrote louinglie to the duke of Britaine, that he would consider his fréendship with conuenient rewards, if it should please him to be as good as his promise. The duke, perceiuing gaine comming by the abode of the two English earles in his countrie, caused them to be se|parated in sunder, and all their seruants being Eng|lishmen to be sequestred from them, and in their pla|ces appointed Britains to attend them. In the thir|téenth yeere of his reigne,1473 Anno Reg. 13. king Edward called his high court of parlement at his palace of Westmin|ster,A parlement. in the which all lawes and ordinances made by him before that daie were confirmed, and those that king Henrie had abrogated, after his readeption of the crowne, were againe reuiued. Also lawes were made for the confiscation of traitors goods, and for the restoring of them that were for his sake fled the realme, which of his aduersaries had béene atteinted of high treason, and condemned to die.

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