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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The duke of Glocester, vpon a politike purpose (as some haue written) reculed backe with all his companie, which when the duke of Summerset per|ceiued, either mooued therewith; or else bicause he was too sore annoied with the shot in that place where he and his fore-ward stood,The duke of Summerset. like a knight more coura|gious than circumspect, came out of his strength with his whole battell, and aduanced himselfe some|wha [...] EEBO page image 688 aside slips the kings voward, and by certeine passages aforehand, and for that purpose prouided (to the kings part, although vnknowne) he passed a lane, and came into a faire open close right before the king, where he was imbattelled, not doubting but the prince and the lord Wenlocke, with the midle-ward, had followed iust at his backe. But whether the lord Wenlocke dissembled the matter for king Edwards sake, or whether his hart serued him not, still he stood, and gaue the looking on.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king, or (as other haue) the duke of Glocester, taking the aduantage that he aduentured for, Edw. Hall. turned againe face to face vnto the duke of Summerset his battell, and winning the hedge and ditch of him, en|tred the close, and with great violence put him and his people vp towards the hill from whence they were descended. Héere is to be noted, that when the king was come before his enimies, yer he gaue the onset, he perceiued that vpon the right hand of their campe there was a parke, and much store of wood growing therein; and doubting least his aduersaries had laid an ambush within that wood, he chose foorth of his companies two hundred speares, comman|ding them to keepe a stale,The politike foresight of the king. like a quarter of a mile from the field, to attend vpon that corner of the wood out of the which the ambush, if anie were, was to is|sue, and to incounter with them, as occasion serued: but if they perceiued that there was no ambush at all, then to imploie their seruice as they should see it expedient and behouefull for the time.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This politike prouision for danger that might haue insued (although there was none that waie foorth) serued yet before the end of the battell, to great good purpose. For when those speares perfectlie vn|derstood that there was no ambush within the wood, and withall saw conuenient time to imploie them|selues, they came and brake with full randon vpon the duke of Summerset and his voward a flanke, in so violent wise vpon the sudden, that where they had before inough to doo with those with whom they were first matched,The vãtgard of the lords distressed. now with this new charge giuen on them by those two hundred speares, they were not a little dismaied; and to conclude, so discouraged, that streightwaie they tooke them to flight. Some fled in|to the parke, other into the m [...]adow there at hand, some into the lanes, & some hid them in ditches, each one making what shift he could, by the which he ho|ped best to escape: but manie neuerthelesse were beaten downe, slaine, and taken prisoners.

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