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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The Northamptonshire men, with diuerse of the northerne men by them procured, in this furie made them a capteine, called Robert Hilliard, but they na|med him Robin of Reddesdale,Robin of Reddesdale. The erle Ri|uers and his sonne behea|ded. and suddenlie came to Grafton, where they tooke the earle Riuers, father to the quéene, and his son sir Iohn Wooduile, whome they brought to Northampton, and there beheaded them both without iudgement. The king aduertised of these mischances, wrote to the shiriffes of Sum|mersetshire, and Deuonshire, that if they might by anie meanes take the lord Stafford of Southwike,The lord Stafford of Southwike beheaded. they should without delaie put him to death. Here|vpon search was made for him, till at length he was found in a village within Brentmarch, and after brought to Bridgewater where he was beheaded.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After the battell was thus fought at Hedgecote commonlie called Banberie field, the northerne men resorted toward Warwike, where the earle had ga|thered a great multitude of people, which earle recei|ued the northerne men with great gladnes, thanking sir Iohn Coniers, and other their capteins for their paines taken in his cause. The king in this meane time had assembled his power, and was comming toward the earle, who being aduertised thereof, sent to the duke of Clarence, requiring him to come and ioine with him. The duke being not farre off, with all speed repaired to the earle, and so they ioined their powers togither, and vpon secret knowledge had, that the king (bicause they were entered into termes by waie of communication to haue a peace) tooke small héed to himselfe, nothing doubting anie out|ward attempt of his enimies.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The earle of Warwike, intending not to léese such opportunitie of aduantage, in the dead of the night, with an elect companie of men of warre (as secretlie as was possible) set on the kings field, killing them that kept the watch, and yer the king was ware (for he thought of nothing lesse than of that which then hapned) at a place called Wolnie,King Ed|ward taken prisoner. foure miles from Warwike, he was taken prisoner and brought to the castell of Warwike. And to the intent his friends should not know what was become of him, the earle caused him by secert iournies in the night to be con|ueied to Middleham castell in Yorkeshire,Middleham ca [...]tell. and there to be kept vnder the custodie of the archbishop of Yorke, and other his freends in those parties. King Edward being thus in captiuitie, spake euer faire to the archbishop, and to his other kéepers, so that he had leaue diuerse daies to go hunt. Abr. Flem. [Which exercise he vsed, as it should séeme, not so much for regard of his recreation, as for the recouerie of his libertie: which men esteeme better than gold, and being counted a diuine thing, dooth passe all the wealth, pleasure, and treasure of the world; according to the old saieng:

Non bene profuluo libertas venditur auro,
Hoc coeleste bonum praeterit orbis opes.]

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