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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Now on a daie vpon a plaine when he was thus abrode, there met with him sir William Stanleie,Sir William Stanleie. K. Edward is deliuered out of capti|uitie. sir Thomas a Borough, and diuers other of his friends, with such a great band of men, that neither his kee|pers would, nor once durst moue him to returne vn|to prison againe. Some haue thought that his kée|pers were corrupted with monie, or faire promises, and therfore suffred him thus to scape out of danger. After that he was once at libertie, he came to Yorke, where he was ioifullie receiued, and taried there two daies: but when he perceiued he could get no armie togither in that countrie to attend him to London, he turned from Yorke to Lancaster, where he found his chamberleine the lord Hastings well accompa|nied, by whose aid and such others as drew to him,He commeth to London. be|ing well furnished, he came safelie to the citie of London.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 When the earle of Warwike, and the duke of Cla|rence had knowledge how king Edward by the trea|son or negligence of them (whome they had put in trust) was escaped their hands, they were in a won|derfull chafe: but sith the chance was past, they be|gan eftsoones to prouide for the warre, which they saw was like to insue; and found much comfort, in that a great number of men, deliting more in discord than in concord, offered themselues to aid their side. But other good men desirous of common quiet, and la|menting the miserable state of the realme, to redresse such mischiefe as appeared to be at hand by these tu|mults, tooke paine, and road betweene the king, the earle, and the duke, to reconcile them ech to other.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Their charitable motion and causes alledged, bi|cause they were of the chiefest of the nobilitie, and therfore caried both credit and authoritie with them, so asswaged the moods both of the king, the duke, and the earle that ech gaue faith to other to came and go safelie without ieopardie. In which promise both the duke and earle putting perfect confidence, came both to London. At Westminster, the king, the duke, and the earle, had long communication togither for to haue come to an agreement: but they fell at such great words vpon rehersall of old matters, that in great furie without any conclusion they departed; the king to Canturburie, and the duke and the earle to Warwike, where the earle procured a new armie to be raised in Lincolneshire, and made capteine there|of sir Robert Welles, sonne to Richard lord Welles, a man of great experience in warre.

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