Edward the fourth earle of March, sonne and heire to Richard duke of Yorke.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 _AFter that this prince Anno Reg. 1.Edward earle of March had taken vpon him the gouernement of this realme of England (as before ye haue heard) the morow next insuing, be|ing the fourth of March, he rode to the church of saint Paule,The earle of March ta|keth vpon him as king. and there of|fered: and after Te Deum soong, with great solemnitie he was conueied to Westminster, and there set in the hall with the scepter roiall in his hand, whereto people in great numbers assembled.His title de|clared. His claime to the crowne was declared to be by two maner of waies, the first, as sonne and heire to duke Richard his father, right inheritor to the same; the second, by authoritie of parlement, and forfeiture committed by king Henrie. Wherevpon it was againe deman|ded of the commons, if they would admit and take the said erle as their prince and souereigne lord, which all with one voice cried; Yea, yea.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 664This part thus plaied, he entered into Westmin|ster church vnder a canopie with solemne procession, and there as king offered; and herewith taking the homages of all the nobles there present, he returned by water to London, and was lodged in the bishops palace;He is procla|med king. and on the morrow after, he was proclamed king by the name of Edward the fourth, throughout the citie. This was in the yeare of the world 5427, and after the birth of our Sauiour 1461 after our ac|compt, beginning the yeare at Christmasse; but after the vsuall accompt of the church of England 1460, the twentith of emperour Frederike the third; the nine and thirtith and last of Charles the seuenth French king; and first yeare of the reigne of Iames the third king of Scots.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Whilest these things were adooing in the south-parts, king Henrie being in the north countrie, as|sembled a great armie, trusting (for all this) to sub|due his enimies; namelie, sith their chiefe ringleader the duke of Yorke was dispatched out of the waie. But he was deceiued: for out of the ded stocke sprang a branch more mightie than the stem; this Edward the fourth, a prince so highlie fauoured of the people, for his great liberalitie, clemencie, vpright dealing, and courage, that aboue all other, he with them stood in grace alone: by reason whereof, men of all ages and degrees to him dailie repaired, some offering themselues and their men to ieopard their liues with him, and other plentiouslie gaue monie to support his charges, and to mainteine his right.