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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Then were diuerse persons apprehended, and indi|ted of treason, wherof some were pardoned, and some executed.Thomas Thorpe. Thomas Thorpe second baron of the esche|ker, EEBO page image 655 was committed to the Tower, where he remai|ned long after, for that he was knowne to be great fréend to the house of Lancaster. [...]. [...]l. ex I. S. pag. 7 [...]0. ¶ When queene Margaret heard that the K. was taken, she with hir sonne, and eight persons fled to the castell of Hard|lagh in Wales, and was robbed by the waie in Lan|cashire of all hir goods, to the value of ten thousand markes: from thence she went into Scotland. Thus you sée what fruits the trée of ciuill discord dooth bring foorth; that euill tree, which whilest some haue taken paine to plant, and some to proine and nourish, for o|thers confusion (to whome they haue giuen a taste of those apples which it bare, far more bitter than colo|quintida) themselues haue béene forced to take such share as befell them by lot. For as it is not possible that a cõmon fier, whose heat & flame is vniuersallie spred, should spare any particular place (for so should it not be generall) no more is it likelie that in ciuill commotions, rebellions, insurrections, and parta|kings in conflicts and pitched feelds (speciallie vnder ringleaders of great countenance and personage, such as be the péeres and states of kingdoms) anie one should, though perhaps his life, yet (a thousand to one) not saue his bloud vnspilt, nor his goods vn|spoiled. Anno Reg. 39.] During this trouble, a parlement was sum|moned to begin at Westminster, in the moneth of October next following.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane time the duke of Yorke, aduertised of all these things, Whethamsted The duke of Yorke com|meth foorth of Ireland. sailed from Dubline towards England, and landed at the red banke néere to the ci|tie of Chester, with no small companie: and from Chester by long iournies he came to the citie of Lon|don, which he entred the fridaie before the feast of S. Edward the Confessor, with a sword borne naked be|fore him, with trumpets also sounding, and accom|panied with a great traine of men of armes, Whethamsted and o|ther of his fréends and seruants. At his comming to Westminster he entred the palace, and passing foorth directlie through the great hall, staied not till he came to the chamber, where the king and lords vsed to sit in the parlement time,A strange de| [...]nor of the duke of Yorke. cõmonlie called the vpper house, or chamber of the péeres, and being there entred, stept vp vnto the throne roiall, and there laieng his hand vpon the cloth of estate, seemed as if he meant to take possession of that which was his right (for he held his hand so vpon that cloth a good pretie while) and af|ter withdrawing his hand, turned his face towards the people, beholding their preassing togither, and marking what countenance they made.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Whilest he thus stood and beheld the people suppo|sing they reioised to see his presence, the archbishop of Canturburie (Thomas Bourcher) came to him, & after due salutations, asked him if he would come and see the king. With which demand he séeming to take disdaine, answered bréefelie, and in few words thus: I remember not that I know anie within this realme,H [...]s bold spe [...]ch. but that it beséemeth him rather to come and sée my person, than I to go and sée his. The archbi|shop hearing his answer, went backe to the king, and declared what answer he had receiued of the dukes owne mouth. After the archbishop was depar|ted to the king that laie in the quéenes lodging, the duke also departed, and went to the most principall lodging that the king had within all his palace, brea|king vp the lockes and doores, and so lodged himselfe therein, more like to a king than a duke, continuing in the same lodging for a time to the great indigna|tion of manie, that could not in anie wise like of such presumptuous attempts made by the duke, to thrust himselfe in possession of the crowne, and to depose king Henrie, who had reigned ouer them so long a time.

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