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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The bishop of Salisburie dooing this message not so circumspectlie as had béene conuenient, returned without bringing anie towardlie answer; but rather words of high despite and vtter defiance. For the lords that were about the king, trusting in their war|like engines and strength of place, in which they were incamped, though otherwise inferior in num|ber of men, purposed to abide the brunt of battell; and so led with the spirit of rashnesse, sent none other answer backe againe by the bishop, but contumeli|ous words sounding greatlie to the reproch of their aduersaries; who being sore offended therewith, de|termined to seeke reuenge with dint of sword. The earle of March as then being in the floure of his lu|stie and most couragious youth, lieng betweene Toucetor and Northampton, determined to set on the kings armie without longer delaie: and there|vpon in the night season remooued his campe tow|ard Northampton, and in marching forward set his men in order of battell: wherof the vant-ward was led by the earle of Warwike, which either by strength or stealth wan a streict which the lord Beaumont kept, going toward the kings campe;The battell of Northamptõ and herewith entring freshlie with his people, began the battell a|bout seauen of the clocke the ninth daie of Iulie. Af|ter him followed the earle of March with the banner of his father. ¶Others write, Whethamsted. that the earle of March led the fore-ward, the erle of Warwike the middle|ward, and the lord Fauconbridge the rere-ward.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, that Edmund lord Greie of Ruthen,The L. [...] of Ruthen. who was on the kings side, failed in the trust com|mitted to him: for where the enimies could not (with|out great danger) enter vpon the kings campe, by reason of a mightie trench and rampire pight full of piles and sharpe stakes, wherewith the campe was compassed about: the said lord Graie came with his men, and with helping hands pulled the enimies vp, and receiued them into the field, where the battell was begun with great force & violence. For being now entred the field, they set vpon the kings people so fiercelie, that it séemed they ment either to obteine the victorie, or to die for it, euen all the whole number of them. The fight continued right fierse and cruell, Edw. Hall. The kings part discom|fited. with vncerteine victorie, till the houre of nine: at which time the kings armie was discomfited, and of the same slaine and drowned in the riuer, few lesse than ten thousand;The K. tak [...] and the king himselfe left comfort|lesse alone was taken by the aduersaries, as a man in great miserie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 At this battell fought at Northampton, were slaine Humfreie duke of Buckingham, Iohn Tal|bot earle of Shrewesburie, a valiant person, and not degenerating from his noble parents, Thomas lord Egremond, Iohn viscont Beaumont, and sir Wil|liam Lucie, which made great hast to come to part of the fight, and at his first approch was striken in the head with an ax. Besides these that were slaine, ma|nie were taken prisoners, bicause they left their hors|ses, alighting to fight on foot. The duke of Summer|set, and other, which narrowlie escaped, fled with the quéene and prince into the bishoprike of Durham. The earles, hauing got the victorie in this bloudie battell, conueied the king to London, and lodged him in the bishops palace.The Tower deliuered [...] the earle of March. After whose comming to the citie, the Tower was deliuered to the erle of March, vpon a certeine composition; but the lord Scales sus|pecting the sequele of the deliuerie thereof, tooke a wherrie priuilie, intending to haue fled to the quéene; but he was espied by diuerse watermen belonging to the earle of Warwike (which waited for his foorth comming on the Thames) and suddenlie taken, was shortlie slaine with manie darts & daggers,The lord Scales [...] and his bodie left naked and all bloudie at the gate of the clinke, and after was buried in the church adioining.

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