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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Whilest the warres betwéene the two nations of England & France ceassed (by occasion of the truce) the minds of men were not so quiet, Anno Reg. 25. but that such as were bent to malicious reuenge, sought to compasse their prepensed purpose, not against forren foes and enimies of their countrie, but against their owne countrie men, and those that had deserued verie well of the common-wealth: and this speciallie for ouer|much mildnesse in the king, who by his authoritie might haue ruled both parts, and ordered all diffe|rences betwixt them, but that in déed he was thought too soft for gouernor of a kingdome.The descrip|tion of the quéene. The quéene con|trariwise, a ladie of great wit, and no lesse courage, desirous of honour, and furnished with the gifts of reason, policie, and wisedome; but yet sometime (ac|cording to hir kind) when she had béene fullie bent on a matter, suddenlie like a weather cocke, mu|table and turning.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This ladie disdaining that hir husband should be ruled rather than rule, could not abide that the duke of Glocester should doo all things concerning the or|der of weightie affaires, least it might be said, that she had neither wit nor stomach, which would per|mit and suffer hir husband being of most perfect age, like a yoong pupill to be gouerned by the direction of an other man. Although this toy entered first into hir braine thorough hir owne imagination, yet was she pricked forward to the matter both by such of hir husbands counsell, as of long time had borne malice to the duke for his plainnesse vsed in declaring their vntruth (as partlie ye haue heard) and also by coun|sell from king Reiner hir father, aduising that she and the king should take vpon them the rule of the realme, and not to be kept vnder, as wards and ma|stered orphanes.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 What néedeth manie words?The qué [...] taketh [...] hir the go|uernement and dischar|geth the [...] of Gloceste [...]. The quéene persua|ded by these meanes, first of all excluded the duke of Glocester from all rule and gouernance, not prohi|biting such as she knew to be his mortall foes to in|uent and imagine causes and gréefs against him and his, insomuch that by hir procurement, diuerse noble men conspired against him. Of the which diuerse wri|ters EEBO page image 627 affirme the marquesse of Suffolke, and the duke of Buckingham to be the chéefe, not vnprocured by the cardinall of Winchester, and the archbishop of Yorke. Diuerse articles were laid against him in open councell, and in especiallie one; That he had cau|sed men adiudged to die,The faint quarell piked to the duke of Glocester. to be put to other execution, than the law of the land assigned. Suerlie the duke verie well learned in the law ciuill, detesting male|factors, and punishing offenses in seueritie of iustice, gat him hatred of such as feared condigne reward for their wicked dooings. And although the duke sufficientlie answered to all things against him ob|iected: yet because his death was determined, his wisedome and innocencie nothing auailed.

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