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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But when the rumor of the dukes reuolting was published amongst the people, they left words, and fell to bestowing of stripes: for being pricked with these euill tidings, they ran in great outrage vpon all the Flemings, Hollanders, and Burgognions, which then inhabited within the citie of London,Spoile vpon the Burgog|nian people in London. and the suburbes of the same, and slue and hurt a great num|ber of them before they, by the kings proclamation, could be staied from such iniurious dooing: for the king nothing more minded than to saue innocent bloud, and to defend them that had not offended. The officer at armes was willed to tell his maister, that it stood not with his honor to be enimie to the Eng|lish nation; and that his dutie had béene to kéepe his ancient truth and allegiance, rather than to be occa|sion of new warre. And what a new reconciled eni|mie was in respect of an old tried fréend, he might shortlie find. [When the messenger with this answer was dispatched, W. P. and vpon consultation found, a mat|ter standing both with good policie in forceing the proud subiect to know his obedience, and also with great equitie to twitch a quareller with such pinsars as wherewith afore he had nipt an other, so was it a|non brought about, that sundrie of his good townes and cities rebelled against him, whereby (lesse to his liking than to his deseruing) he was verie well made to bite of a chokepeare of his owne grafting.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Anno Reg. 14. The death of the duke of Bedford re|gent of FrãceThis yeare the fourtéenth daie of September died Iohn duke of Bedford, regent of France, a man both politike in peace, and hardie in warre, and yet no more hardie than mercifull when he had the victorie, whose bodie was with all funerall solemnitie buried in the cathedrall church of our ladie in Rone, on the north side of the high altar, vnder a sumptuous and costlie monument. Which toome when king Lewes the eleauenth, by certeine vndiscreet persons was counselled to deface, affirming that it was a great dishonour both to the king and to the realme, to see the enimie of his father and theirs to haue so solemne and rich a memoriall:A worthy sai|eng of a wise prince. he answered saieng,

What ho|nour shall it be to vs, or to you, to breake this monu|ment, and to pull out of the ground the dead bones of him, whome in his life neither my father nor your progenitours, with all their power, puissance, and fréends were once able to make flée one foot back|ward; but by his strength, wit, and policie, kept them all out of the principall dominions of the realme of France, and out of this noble and famous duchie of Normandie? Wherefore I saie, first, God haue his soule, and let his bodie now lie in rest, which when he was aliue, would haue disquieted the proudest of vs all. And as for the toome, I assure you, it is not so de|cent nor conuenient, as his honour and acts deser|ued, although it were much richer, and more beau|tifull.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 [...] The frost was so extreame this yeare, beginning about the fiue and twentith daie of Nouember, and continuing till the tenth of Februarie, that the ships with merchandize arriuing at the Thames mouth, could not come vp the riuer: so their lading there faine to be discharged, was brought to the cit [...]e by land. After the death of that noble prince the duke of Bedford, the bright sunne in France toward Eng|lishmen, began to be cloudie, and dailie to darken, the Frenchmen began not onelie to withdrawe their obedience by oth to the king of England, but also tooke sword in hand & openlie rebelled. Howbeit all these mishaps could not anie thing abash the vali|ant courages of the English people: for they hauing no mistrust in God and good fortune,The duke of Yorke made regent of France. set vp a new saile, began the warre afresh, and appointed for re|gent in France, Richard duke of Yorke, sonne to Richard earle of Cambridge.

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