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Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this second yeare of king Henrie the sixt, Iames (the first of that name & the hundred & second K. of Scotland, tooke to wife the ladie Iane, daugh|ter to Iohn earle of Summerset deceassed, Ann. 1423, per Buchanan. and sister to Iohn then duke of Summerset, and also coosine germane remoued to king Henrie, and neece to the duke of Winchester, and to the duke of Excester) was set at libertie, couenanting to paie a small por|tion of monie more than was allowed to him for his wiues marriage monie, and left hostages for the same.Homage doone by the king of Scotland to king Henrie the sixt. But before his departure out of the realme, he did his homage vnto the yoong king of Eng|land Henrie the sixt at the castell of Windsor, before thrée dukes, two archbishops, twelue earles, ten bi|shops, twentie barons, and two hundred knights and esquiers, beside others, in order of words according to the tenour hereafter following.

15.1. The formall recognisance or acknowledgement of the said homage.

The formall recognisance or acknowledgement of the said homage.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _I Iames Steward, K. of Scots, shall be true and faithfull vnto you lord Henrie by the grace of God king of England & France, the noble and superiour lord of the king|dome of Scotland; and to you I make my fidelitie for the same kingdome of Scot|land, which I hold and claime of you; and I shall beare you my faith and fidelitie of life and lim, and worldlie honour against all men; and faithfullie I shall knowledge and shall doo you seruice due for the kingdome of Scotland aforesaid. So God helpe me, and these holie euangelists.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But notwithstanding this his oth, and the great bounteous liberalitie of the mother & vncles of his wife, in bestowing on him abundance of plate & trea|sure, with rich clothes of arras; he had not béene long at home, Buchan. lib. 10. An. 1425. W. P. but that soone out of France into Scotland ouer came there Iames Steward, who (after manie of the Scotish nobilitie by diuerse occasions in France consumed) grew to be capteine of the horsse|men there. With him came the archbishop of Remes with power and commission for concluding a league betweene France and Scotland, and also of a mari|age betwéene Lewes the Dolphins sonne and Mar|garet Iameses daughter, though both verie yoong. Which matters acordinglie accomplished, to France againe they got them. So Iames became as firme French as any of his predecessours.]

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