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Compare 1577 edition: 1 When they were all gotten into the plaine, the ar|chers shot, the bill men strake, and long was the fight in doubtfull balance. But in conclusion the French|men not able to resist the force of the English nati|on, were discomfited, slaine, and chased, leauing a glo|rious victorie to the Englishmen and Burgognions. There were slaine of the Frenchmen an eightéene hundred knights and esquiers, beside commons: of Scots néere hand thrée thousand. Amongest the Frenchmen these were chiefest that were slaine: the earle of Lestrake, the earle of Comigens, the earle of Tonno [...]re, the lord Coquart de Comeron, the ba|stard of Arminake, the vicount of Touraine, the ba|stard of Forre [...]tes, the lord de Port, and the lord Me|morancie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Of Scots the lord of saint Iohns towne, sir Iohn of Balgarie, sir Iohn Turnbull, sir Iohn Holibur|ton, sir Robert Lislie, sir William Coningham, sir William Dowglas, sir Alexander Hume, sir Willi|am Lislie, sir Iohn Rotherford, sir William Crai|ford, sir Thomas Seton, sir William Hamilton, and his sonne, Iohn Pillot. There were taken the earle of Buchquhane constable of France, which lost his eie, the earle of Uentadour, sir Alexander Meldrine, sir Lewes Ferignie, and two and twentie hundred gentlemen of the French part. Of Englishmen there were slaine sir Iohn Greie, sir William Hall, sir Gilbert Halsall one of the marshals of the field, Richard ap Madocke, and one and twentie hundred souldiers and men of warre.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After this fortunate victorie was the earle of Sa|lisburie made (by the lord regent) lieutenant and vice|gerent for the king and the said lord regent in the countries of France, Brie, and Champaigne; Anno Reg. [...]. and sir Iohn Fastolf was substituted deputie vnder the lord regent within the duchie of Normandie on this side the riuer of Seine; and withall he was also made go|uernour of the countries of Aniou and Maine. The earle of Salisburie after fiue moneths siege, wan by surrender the towne and castell of Montaguillon in Brie; the capteins whereof, the one named Pregent of Cotinie, and Guille Bourgois Britons, sware ne|uer EEBO page image 587 to beare armour against the Englishmen on this side the riuer of Loire. In the meane time of that siege, the earle of Suffolke tooke by force the ca|stell of Coucie, and the strong castell of la Roch in Masconnois he got by appointment.

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