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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Furthermore, Richard Grasdale student in Oxen|ford, one of those twelue also; William Lindwood a lawier excellentlie learned, as well in the ciuill as canon lawes, aduanced to the seruice of this king, and made by him kéeper of the priuie seale, sent in ambassage both to the kings of Spaine and Por|tingale, about businesse of most weightie impor|tance. It is said that he was promoted to the bishop|rike of saint Dauid; Bartholomew Florarius, sup|posed (as Bale saith) by Nicholas Brigham, to be an Englishman, wrote a treatise called Florarium, whereof he tooke his surname and also an other trea|tise of abstinence, in which he reprooueth certeine cor|rupt manners in the cleargie, and the profession of friers mendicants; Adam Hemmelington, a Car|melite frier, studied both in Oxenford and Paris; William Batecombe is placed by Bale about the time of other learned men that liued in this kings time, he was an excellent mathematician, as by the EEBO page image 585 the title of his works which he wrote it should ap|peare.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Titus Liuius de Foro Luuisiis liued also in these daies, an Italian borne: but sith he was both resiant here, and wrote the life of this king, I haue thought good to place him among other of our English wri|ters. One there was that translated the said historie into English, adding (as it were by waie of notes in manie places of that booke) sundrie things for the more large vnderstanding of the historie: a copie whereof I haue séene belonging to Iohn Stow citi|zen of London. There was also about the same time an other writer, who (as I remember) hath followed the said Liuius in the order of his booke, as it were chapter for chapter, onelie changing a good, familiar and easie stile, which the said Liuius vsed, into a cer|teine poeticall kind of writing: a copie whereof I haue séene (& in the life of this king partlie followed) belonging to master Iohn Twine of Kent, who (as I was informed) meant to leaue to posteritie some fruits of his labours for the due vnderstanding thereof.

Thus farre Henrie the fift sonne and successor to Henrie the fourth.

Henrie the sixt, sonne and heire to Henrie the fift.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 _AFter that death had be|reft the world of that no|ble prince king Henrie the fift,1422 Anno Reg. 1. his onelie sonne prince Henrie, being of the age of nine moneths, or thereabouts, with the sound of trumpets was openlie proclamed king of England and France the thirtith daie of August, by the name of Henrie the sixt; in the yeare of the world fiue thousand, three hundred, eightie and nine, after the birth of our Sa|uiour 1422, about the twelfe yeare of the emperour Frederike the third, the fortith and two and last of Charles the sixt, Buchan. lib. 10. and the third yeare of Mordaks regi|ment (after his father Robert) gouernour of Scot|land. The custodie of this yoong prince was appointed to Thomas duke of Excester, & to Henrie Beauford bishop of Winchester. The duke of Bedford was deputed regent of France, and the duke of Glocester was ordeined protectour of England; who taking vpon him that office, called to him wise and graue councellors, by whose aduise he prouided and tooke order as well for the good gouernment of the realme & subiects of the same at home, as also for the main|tenance of the warres abroad, and further con [...]uest to be made in France, appointing valiant and ex|pert capteins, which should be readie, when need re|quired. Besides this, he gathered great summes of monie to mainteine men of warre, and left nothing forgotten that might aduance the good estate of the realme.

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