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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 While these things were a dooing in England the duke of Bedford regent of France studied most ear|nestlie, not onelie to keepe and well order the coun|tries by king Henrie late conquered; but also deter|mined not to leaue off warre & trauell, till Charles the Dolphin (which was now ass [...]te, because king Charles his father in the moneth of October in this present yeare was departed to God) should either be subdued, or brought to obeisance. And suerlie the death of this king Charles caused alterations in France. For a great manie of the nobilitie, which be|fore, either for feare of the English puissance, or for the loue of this king Charles (whose authoritie they followed) held on the English part, did now reuolt to the Dolphin, with all indeuour to driue the English nation out of the French territories. Whereto they were the more earnestlie bent, and thought it a thing of greater facilitie, because of king Henries yoong yeares; whome (because he was a child) they estéemed not, but with one consent reuolted from their sworne fealtie: as the recorder of the Englishmens battels with forren nations verie aptlie doth note, saieng:

Hîc Franci puerum regem neglectui habentes
Desciscunt, violátque fidem gens perfida sacro
Consilio ante datam.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The duke of Bedford being greatlie mooued with these sudden changes, fortified his townes both with garrisons of men, munition, and vittels, assembled also a great armie of Englishmen and Normans, and so effectuouslie exhorted them to continue faith|full to their liege and lawfull lord yoong king Hen|rie that manie of the French capteins willinglie sware to king Henrie fealtie and obedience, by whose example the communaltie did the same. Thus the people quieted, and the countrie established in order, nothing was minded but warre, and nothing spoken of but conquest.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Dolphin which lay the same time in the citie of Poit [...]ers, after his fathers deceasse, caused himselfe to be proclamed king of France, by the name of Charles the seuenth: and in good hope to recouer his patrimonie, with an haultie courage preparing war, assembled a great armie: and first the warre began by light skirmishes, but after it grew into maine battels. The Dolphin thinking not to lose anie occa|sions EEBO page image 586 of well dooing,Pont Meu|lan surprised by the Frẽch. sent the lord Grauile to the towne of Pont Meulan, standing on the riuer of Seine, who comming to the same vpon the sudden, the fouretéenth of Ianuarie, tooke it, and slue a great number of English souldiors, Enguerant. which he found within it.

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